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Version 1.4 Manual


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Hi Everyone,

Can one of you direct me to an up-to-date version of the Elite Manual. The paper version I have is out of date and the one I can download from the website still seems to be written for v1.3 But as there has been some major changes I

need to get my hands on the new version.

If one has not been produced could I have some instructions on using the Elite to control functions on a decoder as I want to controll the lights on my loco but cannot work out how to do it as the Elite is now

different from the instructions in the manual.

I hope I've explained that properly,

Regards, Tim
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I took delivery of my Elite this week and updated to 1.4 yesterday (64bit Windows 7 with only one false start). There is an update explaining all of the new features in the files that you download to do the update called Elite V1.4 Notes.pdf which runs

to 28 pages and seems quite comprehensive and easy to understand. So go to wherever you saved the files when you unzipped the zip file you downloaded and there it is.
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The contol of the (loco) lights is via F0. This is the standardised (NMRA) setting. The software upgrages will have not changed this setting. The CV values of the F0 can be changed, but Hornby seem reluctant to publish the full CV table (on this site)!
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