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B17 Kilverstone Hall - double trouble...


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Really enjoying seeing my little collection grow (bow at a whopping 4 locos) and really like the look of the B17 Kilverstone Hall. Details and everything look beautiful. 


But, I've bought two (original and replacement) and theyve had issues. I'm wondering if it is bad luck or the model?


First one: ran very slowly for the power I gave it (DC) and you could hear the tender wheels weren't turning.


Second one (replacement): Just ran very slowly for the power I gave it again but this time it stopped and shorted (I think that's the right term when the controller switches itself off and the loco stops) within a short distance on track that has other locos happily running even as I speak. It also made some squeaking noises.

Am I being unlucky? Does the B17 KH just run much slower than other similar sized locos even if I am?


As ever, all help/advice/shoulder to cry on would be much appreciated :D

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It sounds like you have been very unlucky.  I own two B17s (though not Kilverstone) and they are probably the smoothest running bigger locos I own. Send/take it back as it may well have been a dodgy batch, maybe with weak motors.


Sorry -please ignore second post.

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I haven't got Kilverstone Hall but I have Serlby Hall which is the weathered BR version of the same model. I just tried it round my layout and other than a tendancy to jump the points it ran perfectly well and reasonable fast. It was too fast for my long sweeping bend, which means it is as fast as my other newer Hornby locos.

While I was doing a search, I can across this entry in this forum, which basically says it is a good loco.


Looks like you are a bit unlucky, have a quick check round the wheels on loco and tender to see if anything is touching. It sounds like the motor is pulling too much current that is why the controller "trips out", so it sounds like something is not working properly. It needs sorting out or else it is a new motor. 

To go slow, it has got to be something not working properly, it could be gears not messing properly, valve gear stuck or tender not moving properly either way you don't want to be fixing it, in case you break it.

It looks like a return job. These things cost a fortune so you should be happy with what you bought, anyway it should not trip out your controller. I assume you are buying these mail order as with "lock down" that is all you can do. The few I have bought in model shops (generally when on holiday around York) they always test them before they sell them to me.

I must admit you got me worried, I had only got round to checking my B17 on a metre length of track before I added DCC, so I had never really tested on a large circuit, but I have now.

Generally all the Hornby locos I buy new are ok, you must be just unlucky, although on this site you do read about a wide variety of issues.

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I have just read your post again, noticing the squeaking noise. I would say the worm gear is not engaging with the drive properly, hence the high load as the motor is going into stall, causing high current. Definitely send it back, it might have damaged the gear. Ask them to test the next one before they send it. Hattons did that with a TTS decoder replacement for one that failed when I bought it.

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