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DCC Ready? Hmm


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I recently bought a DCC Ready Adams Radial Tank Loco. It is to my mind a lovely looking loco that would look fine on my layout. However, it seems to be impossible to fit a decoder due to the lack of space. I contacted the retailer I bought it from and he agreed this is an issue that has come up before, and the only way round it was to cut some of the bodywork away in the "tender" area where the socket is fitted. Not wanting to do this, he was happy for me to return the loco.

So can it be that Hornby is selling a DCC ready loco that actually isn't, or is there some dedicated decoder available that nobody knows anything about?

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I bought one of these made by Oxford. I spent ages trying to find a decoder that fitted, I even mailed Oxfords, and they came back with a very expensive US one. Tried loads but none fitted without hacking the body. In the end I found the coal in the bunker came out and surprise surprise, this is where the designer meant it to go, as there were holes to allow air to get in for cooling. In the end I used a standard Zimo. If you are really stuck Zimo make a real didy one, but it is £34.00.

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Fitting a decoder in the Oxford Radial was quite simple, just needed 2 or 3 mm shaved off the plastic pillars that the socked was mounted on then fitted with an Omni DCC29 8 pin direct (£19.95)........this decoder is wrapped in a plastic sleeve so cooling is obviously not an issue..........HB



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Thanks for your comments everyone.

I did actually consider shaving off some of the plastic mounting pillers. The Hornby actually looks very similar to the Oxford model. I just felt that it was a poor design to start with, and had I modified the mounting and subsequently had an un-related warranty claim, Hornby wouldn't look too favourably at the situation. Hence my reluctant decision to return the model which thankfully, the retailer was happy to do. I was then able to order an alternative loco which turns out to be a Hornby J15 R3414 which I am looking forward to getting.

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I fitted my Hornby version (R3333) with a TCS DP2X-UK - a direct fit decoder - no harness and it fit without problems - well as far as fitting goes. Some versions of this model (R3333) had the decoder socket incorrectly wired - not as difficult a job to rectify as you may imagine. However, having done this, the loco ran beautifully, especially the slow running - with the body off - with the body on, it's a pig. I have now given up on the loco and it has the blanking plug refitted and has been relegated to the back of the cupboard - probably never to emerge again. Sorry to be negative about a nice looking loco - but I've given up. BB

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Yes, I tried the direct fit one, I think it was the gaugemaster. I found like other people it either involved cutting the pillars down, which was a no,no to me on a new model. I then tried another make direct fit, I think that was too wide. Fortunately, I was just starting with DCC so I moved them to other locos. I modify my old tender driven locos, but not on any of my new ones they are not worth much. I agree with someone else, ask Hornby, they will have tested it and I suspect with their own make decoder, so they should know. Are you sure the coal load doesn't pull out?

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The coal load on the Hornby version can be removed easily. There is no way that the Hornby R8249 decoder will fit - well the plug will, but the harness and decoder certainly would not fit under the coal load. I note that Bromsgrove Models have not attempted this one - many others, but not the Adams Radial.

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