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Hard wired loco not running with Hornby Select


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I have a hardwired tender driven Britannia loco produce around 1999. It hs been hard wired and the decoder has TCS on the sleeve. The loco will not run on my Hornby Select v15 although is lurches forward if I attempt to give it a new address. It does work fine using my GMC Prodigy Express2.

I really need to use the Select on my new layout so any suggestions for a solution? 

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I may be wrong but I seem to recall that my Select did not like TCS decoders. But that was 3 or 4 years ago. Have you a spare decoder to swap around and test that out ?   If you need to use the Select with that loco maybe a change of decoder would be the simplest solution. But I must emphasise that I am no expert on DCC,   😛  just a user over five years. I hope this helps.

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TCS are an American decoder reputed to be the basis of the original knock-off LiaisDCC decoders. TCS put out a statement to that effect years ago and there was ongoing legal action by TCS.

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This is why you fir

ta socket, it means you can easily change the decoder. What are TCS decoders, I don't think I have seen them. It should work, unless there is an issue with the decoder reading the DCC signal.

 Yes  a socket would make a straightforward decoder swap but this is the MC2 7 pin hard wired version. It picks up the signal from the GMC controller but not the Select, I am looking for a solution to that but maybe there isn't one. 

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Oh, in that case I have used them in the LaisDCC form. The only issue I have noticed is that they are not very good if the DCC signal is not perfect. Could it be that the Prodigy puts out a higher signal than the Select. I have a lot of 21 pin LaisDCC decoders and they work with my Elite and Fleishmann.

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Back on a solution to the OP's problem, we know the Select at v1.5 is reputed to not have decoder compatibility issues, so maybe the setup is not perfect.  Try this list of possibilities:


Check to see if there is a suppression capacitor across the motor terminals. If there, remove it.


Are you programming on the layout or are you connecting to a separate programming track.  Separate better.  

Check connections to programming track to make sure they are electrically sound and the track is spotlessly clean.


Are you using a Hornby power track or connector?  If so, make sure it is DCC not DC.  Flip open the the little box between the rails and remove capacitor if present. 

Check tender wheel cleanliness and pickup tension on wheel backs. 

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Try resetting the decoder to defaults using your PA2, then see if the Select will control it on default address 3, if so then try to readdress it.

Have you for instance given it an address on the PA2 outwith the Select Loco address range of 1 to 59 inclusive.

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It has got to be something different with the signal that the decoder is receiving. It may be that the Select has a slightly more rounded edge to the signal so the decoder has difficulties interpreting it or the voltage is not big enough. It is obviously not recognising the Select signal.

As I said previously, the LaisDCC, which I gather is the same as TCS does have difficulties with poor signals, I have even had them going backwards instead of forward.

Two things to try, do as Fishmanoz suggests and remove any capacitors across the motor and check that you are not feeding the Select signal through one of those power clips with built in suppresion. The other thing is to try it on a length of small track and see if it makes a difference. This is a long shot, but check all those soldered joints, perhaps one of them is not a good joint and it is adding extra capacitance or resistance. Are the joints shiny (good) or crystalline (possible bad joint).

Have you measured the AC voltage fed by both systems to see if they are different, does one have a higher voltage?

I suppose the final thing is, are you confident the Select is working properly (ie) tried it on another loco.

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Track is powered through brand new wired rail joiners. Track perfectly clean. Programmed initially on PA2 programme track. The output is supposed to be higher on the Select at 15v & 13.4v onthe PA2. Will try the decoder reset on the programme track but will have to go to the instruction sheet to find out how to do that.

Thanks folks!

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But did you try to run it on the PA2 programme track? Perhaps a reset will fix it, I did have to do that once to a LaisDCC decoder when it stopped working for no apparent reason. If it is the same as a LaisDCC  write 4 to cv8  and cv30.

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Well folks full CV reset, value 2 on CV30, and a full wheel clean on the loco and tender and running perfectly on the Select and the Prodigy on address 3. I don't think I dare change it!!

Really appreciate all your input, thanks forum!

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