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I purchased a digital R8242 power clip by mistake instead of a R602. Can anyone tell me if it will work with  a R8205 analogue controller connected to it or if l would be better purchasing the R602?

Any help would be appreciated.




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The digital clip will work on analogue but you may get interference on appliances using radio wavelengths as it does not have the suppression capacitor.


Oddly the digital clip is more expensive than the analogue one despite having fewer component parts.

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100nF [nanoFarods] which equals 0.1uF [microFarods] and typically of ceramic construction with voltage rating 50 volts AC or higher

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 Many thanks Crissaf. As the power leads to the analogue part of my railway is soldered directly to the rails, I think it might be a good idea to fit a capaciter somewhere across the power supply. Presumably this would be in parallel.


If I am correct, could this be anywhere between the controller output and the loco wheels, for example across the output of the controlers (Gaugemaster E) or actually between the rails somewhereconvenient?

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In principle anywhere that is convenient. Across the output of the controller sounds the most realistic location (assuming the GM is a screw terminal connection).


But I have to ask out of curiosity why do you think that you need one fitted?


Now that TV's are digital (the analogue transmitters are decommissioned and switched off) the likelihood of TV interference by an analogue controlled locomotive motor is pretty remote.

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 Hi Chrissaf, thanks again. As I have not run the analog section much I have not really bothered but having read this article I thought it might be a good idea since I suspect a neighbour of mine is a radio enthusiast (judging by the rotatable ariel that sometimes gets winched up in his garden). I am therefore concerned that there could be interfearence particularly as I recal my father having to switch off his car endine when trying to pick up a long distance transmission on his CB in the early 1980s - or am I being a little overcautious?

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