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Track designer add extra pieces


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I am using the track designer software to plan a new layout, however, not all the pieces I have are listed in the software, specifically C249 "crossroads". Is it possible to download? If so how do I do that?

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  • 7 months later...

My solution to your problem would be to look for another track designer. I have AnyRail. The authors of Anyrail added the extra long straight to their software after I sent them the length. They did this in less than two weeks from request to addition. You might want to search for that.

I have the Scalextric Track Designer and it indeed has not been updated. From my last search you can't download it from Scalexric.com. I'm not sure of Scalextric's plan for this software. I would think if there is going to be an update it might appear as part of the Arc App or as a separate app for mobile (purely a guess)

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