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Using a Select Walkabout as a point controller and address 60

Guest Chrissaf

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As I start to wire up more points to DCC decoders it is becomming apparent that using the elite to switch points is becomming more inconvenient as I effectively loose control of the locomotives while changing points.


I therefore hope that I am correct in assuming that I can set my select up for accessory mode and effectively use it as a point controller. However, my two decoders were automatically programmed by the elite to start att address 1 (I understand points on the select are addresses 60 to 99. I therefore have three questions.


1 how do I reset a Hornby accessory decoder


2. How would I reprogramm them using the select in walkabout mode.


3. Or have I got completely the wron end of the stick and will things map across automatically?


Sadly I cannot test anything at present since I have mislaid my walkabout (put up "safe" when I decided not to use it for loco control!) and am awaiting the necessary cable which shold arive next week.

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Start with the easy question first.


I read somewhere that address 60 should be avoided - any reason why?


Address 60 is a redundant historical left over from Select version 1.0 firmware. For reasons I am not too sure about, but Rob will probably know for sure. The later Select firmwares were changed to start point addressing at 61 I think to make the addressing range compliant with the NMRA standard. The main issue to understand, is that if you should try to address a Hornby R8247 with address 60, then ports 2 through to 4 on the R8247 become unusable. This is documented in the Hornby Select manual .... see extract below.




How do I reset a Hornby accessory decoder?


Like any other decoder. You connect the R8247 to the 'programming' output of the Elite and write 8 to CV8 ... refer to Page 60 of the Elite 1.4x manual for writing CVs to the R8247. Select firmware less than version 1.6 cannot reset an R8247, so you would have to use the Elite for that task unless your Select is at version 1.6 or 2.0 firmware level.


How would I reprogramme them using the Select in walkabout mode?


When the Select is put in 'Walkabout' mode its ability to perform a 'programming' function is disabled. Thus you would need to use either the Elite OR the Select on their own to change the R8247 Accessory Decoders to addresses 61 to 64 then 65 to 68 then 69 to etc. Before you connect the Select to the Elite as a 'Walkabout.


Have I got completely the wrong end of the stick and will things map across automatically?


There is no auto mapping. You configure the R8247 with the addresses you want to use. If you want to operate the points using the Select in 'Walkabout' mode, then you will have to 'bite the bullet' and reprogramme your R8247s to the 61 to 99 range (avoiding address 60). If you then use the Elite on its own without the Select 'Walkabout' then you will still have to use addresses 61 to 99 on the Elite as well.


However, my two decoders were automatically programmed by the Elite to start at address 1.


Out of the box, the R8247 is factory configured for port addresses 1 to 4. There is no 'auto-programming' function in the Elite. Your Second R8247 must have been reprogrammed manually by someone at some time to addresses 5 to 8 (or whatever they are currently set to, assuming of course that the second one is not also set to 1 to 4 which would seem rather odd if it was --- unless of course these are both brand new R8247s that have never been installed before). The first one (1 to 4) would of course work 'out of the box' with the Elite for those addresses without further 'user' intervention.




This is potentially a 'high risk' strategy. Historically there have been posts raised in the past on this forum where R8247s were originally programmed on a Select, but when the forum member upgraded to an Elite, the previous 61 to 99 addresses were not recognised by the new Elite. Now it may be that those 'users' had very early Select firmware and that was the crux of their issue.


Therefore, I suggest with some vigour that before embarking on this venture that you check the current firmware revision in your Select and have it upgraded, if it is less than version 1.5


Select upgrade boilerplate text reproduced below:


The current installed firmware is displayed as the very first number to briefly appear on the Select screen as it is being powered up. Expect to see a number between 10 and 20. At the time of writing, the latest version is 1.6 [16] or 2.0 [20] - both the same. These latest versions completely transform the user experience of the Select controller and add the ability to write (not read) all CVs. As well as access to the full F0 - F28 range of functions.


The upgrade charge is typically £15 plus VAT [£18] plus your sending postage costs. You need to get a 'returns number' from Hornby Customer Services - see 'Contact Us' link at the very bottom of the page.


If you do arrange to get your Select firmware upgraded, then you will need both the Select version 1.5 full manual and the version 1.6 addendum manual. As the operation of your Select (how to use it) will be completely different in certain areas of operation compared to your current firmware version.


You can download these two manual PDFs from here:



If nothing appears to happen, check your nominated browser download folder for the files as they can download silently in the background.


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As Chris said very early Select firmware used addresses 60-99 simply to maximise the number of available points (i.e. 40).


NMRA again as Chris said uses Groups of four port addresses and these map out for the Select points range as 61, 65, 69, etc which means you lose address 60.


To add to the confusion the Elite made allowance for the early odd addressing which when corrected required the Elite to introduce Classic and Standard Modes to countermand ornot the fudge allowance.

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Without being accused about diverting the thread, I assume controlling a point via an accesory module is really only any use if you have front end program such as Railmaster to do it. Otherwise on something like an Elite it is just too many keystrokes. 

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Otherwise on something like an Elite it is just too many keystrokes.


It certainly can be ... without a software based GUI like RM ... I've always felt that the best compromise is to relegate a DCC hardware based controller to what it does best, which is controlling locos. Whilst operating points in the old DC analogue way, preferably via a mimic panel.

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Controllers like the Select are slightly more direct at accessing points control but still require entering the address, pressing select button then the direction. Elite requires pressing Acc button, then an address, then direction. All a bit fiddly, much better to press a button on screen or flip a manual switch.

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 Many thanks for the advice - looks like I have a lot of work ahead and I will really have to bite the bullet and get my firmware updated (can someone remind me of the cabel I need to connect to a computer - I think I might have a cable that once connected the normal USB port to an EPSON printer's squarer port or do I need something wired a little differently?


@ ColinB. Yes using the Elite is very fiddly hence my need to find something more direct. I had intended to use DC but failing eyesight meant that I had trouble wiring the point switched - it was also getting rather expensive!


I have a Railmaster CD (as yet unregistered which came with a DCC sound Trainset but there is little room for me to put a computer screen up.

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I think I might have a cable that once connected the normal USB port to an EPSON printer's squarer port or do I need something wired a little differently?


No nothing different needed. The Elite uses the standard 'printer' USB cable type with the square 'Type B' plug at the Elite end and the standard oblong Type A plug at the PC end.




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