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Hornby HST running/ not running


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Hi  all, I have just renewed the drive wheels on my 3 pole HST 1978/80 model swallow livery. It ran ok before the change but one of the axles was bent, so the reason to change wheel set. But now it won't run on the track...it's as if there's no pick up from the drive wheels. Any ideas out there please.. regards Frankie2

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You probably put the axles in the wrong way round, take them out and reverse them. Peters Spares were doing the updated pair of bogies for about £12.00 when I serviced mine. These are much better as they pickup power from both wheels on the bogie.

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Have you put the new wheelsets in the right way round?  And connected the wiring to the non-powered bogie and the lights correctly.  Service sheet 108, downloadable from Lendons of Cardiff, shows an exploded view of the HST power car chassis and ringfield motor.

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Hi, the wheels only go one way as the insulating wheels have to fit into the gears. There's only 2 wires on the motor bogie running from the dummy and they are in exactly the same place...there's a small wire running from the front of the block to the front bush plate, that's the same also. The motor runs well if I connect 2 wires from the transformer but not when it's on the track... I'll have another dab at it...just confusing..thanks for all your input.  

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If you took the bogie out of the chassis, have you disturbed any of the wiring that connects to the cab lighting and the non-powered bogie?  Have you put the bogie back in to the chassis the correct way round?  Gears should be on the left looking towards the cab.  According to the service sheet, there are only two wires linking to the motor bogie: one from the front brush arm to the non-powered bogie and the other from the motor block via a diode to the cab lighting.  There are no "small" wires.

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'Going Spare' you are correct about there only being 2 wires, all been checked and repaired wire for lights but still no joy, as for the small black wire that is fitted to this motor it is the same that is on the 5 pole motor only it slides down the front of the motor like the silver one for the lights, the 5 pole ones are fixed with a screw. Maybe it shouldn't be there but it was running fine before wheel change. I have now swapped it for a 5 pole I had spare and it's running 10 times better except the lights are now only working on the dummy car, red & white. I will endeavour find the solution by playing around with the 3 pole...Thank you everyone for your comments..regards Frankie2.

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Hope you get to the bottom of the problem with the 3-pole unit eventually.  I note you refer to red and white lights on the dummy car so that vehicle at least is not standard as Hornby fitted only directional white headlights on power cars of that vintage.   

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The "small black wire" sounds like a Ringfield motor 'bridge wire'.


This has two spade connections, both different types.


The larger (silver coloured?) Spade slides into a ridge on the metal motor casting.


The smaller spade slides into the left hand brush retainer, looking at the motor faceplate.


This connextion carries current from the uninsulated wheels on the motor bogie, via the axles and the motor casting, to the brush.


The other brush, right hand, is fed from the unpowered bogie.


Service Sheet



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Sarah again, thank you for the info about the bridge wire, you are correct in describing it and where it connects. I will get to the problem, I am going to strip it down and clean everything and renew that little wire...thank you. Regards Frankie2

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