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0-6-0 failing


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Is it a common problem with 0-6-0 locos where the work gear stops meshing with the crown gear? I was updating an old Hornby J13 with the old X03, so I bought a new base wheels and motor. When I built it the motor wouldn't mess properly with the gear, so basically the motor ran without turning the wheels. So I just put that to one side and bought a second hand J52 0-6-0 complete, put DCC into and got it to do a couple of circuits of my layout. Surprise, surprise the motor stopped messing with the crown gear and the motor now runs without driving the wheels. As far as I can see there is no way or adjusting the motor other than putting packing pieces in. So is it just a bad design or am I doing something wrong. I will add I did nothing to the J52 other than greasing it and adding DCC. Of course Hornby no longer do the worm and pinion as a spare part.

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It is a very common fault for the axle-mounted wormwheel to wear on chassis fitted with the small square type 7 motor, often unevely across the teeth virtually disengaging the drive, or in places around its circumference leading to intermittent drive.  If the worm on the motor shaft is black, pack X8199 gives replacement worm and wormwheel.  If the worm is another colour, it will be necessary to renew both worm and wormwheel so both are black.

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Great thank you for the advice. Sadly X8199 is not currently available, the only place I could get it was from a Seller on EBay and they are a different colour but I can live with that. I don't think I had better mention about the lack of spare parts it constanly winds me up. I could put it down to Covid but sadly it is a more underlying issue. Trouble is with the lack of spare parts the second hand market will fold which eventually has the effect that you cannot charge as much for the new models. I have seen it happen in the car industry. 

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I have started to take my J52 apart so that I can replace the worm crown gear and there are some really funny things. This is a relatively new loco compared to some of my old ones because it has the split conrods with hexagonal nuts. First thing that hit me was the chassis didn't have the springs on the third axle, but it has the same part number with one that does (it is stamped on it). The centre wheels don't have traction tyres, but that could be someone replacing the centre wheels, but the crown wheel itself has a part number stamped on it of L5714 but it is black not white which seem to have the same part number. 

So next question is did Hornby stop using the spring loaded third axle on some variants.

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Yes eventually by trolling through the Service Sheets I found the right one. I took the two 0-6-0s apart ready for when the new drive gears arrive, one has a chassis with springs one without. They both have their part number cast into them, surprise, surprise they both have the same part number. Obviously Hornby never got round to removing it from the mould, what is worse than having no part number, it is having the wrong one because you think you have the right part, believe me, I used to work for automotive and that is really serious. Anyway I thought I would change the sprung chassis to the new one, so I emailed the specialist Supplier to see if they had one,  but they don't have one. When I asked what I needed to search for on their website to check see when they have got any in, I was told they don't have a part number for it. So how on earth do you do a search in this digital age, if you have no part number. It appears dinasours are still alive and kicking.

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No, they don't that was the firm, that I was refering to, but I didn't want to mention names. The sprung one also has the part number S4581, see how confusing it is. Anyway changed the worm wheel to a new one and the loco appears to be working properly. The other one I was building out of parts, it appears the "new" set of wheels I bought from another supplier, not Peters, had a worn out worm wheel. I wish I had known, I damaged a brand new motor trying to get it to work. It is not until you see a new one you realise it is damaged.

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S4581/1 is the sprung one that takes the motor with both pickups attached to the motor housing, I know I just bought one. So I think S4581 is the one where the motor housing only has pickups on one side. I assume the one without springs is S4581/2 but Peter's Spares said they didn't have number for it. If they put the part numbers for these things on Service Sheets, even if they are not available as spares (they could put that in the comments), it forces people to maintain correct records, because rather than one person checking it in an office there are thousands of people checkiing it for you, for free. 

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Peters spares is selling S4581/2 on Ebay. Now I know he hasn't any of the non sprung types, as that is what he told me, so I have no clue which one refers to which. I would like to get an unsprung one, but I haven't a clue what to search for and most people when advertising don't show the underside.

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