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Changing locomotive address on DCC

Guest Chrissaf

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Hi i am looking for some advise i have the select and i have tried setting up my locomotives but when i put my locomotives on the track one is runnig at a set speed and wont change and another i put a decoder into it but when i try to set it up the select red light is only flashing threed times and it wont move. Can someone give me some advise i have not long started taking up the hobby . Can you recode a locomotives address

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To give you advice, we need to know what firmware your Select has installed.


Tell us the very first numerical number to briefly appear on the Select screen when you power it up.


Tell us which brand / model of decoder you DIY fitted to your locomotive.


Tell us what the locomotive brand / model R number you are using.


Tell us what track power connector (or method) you are using to connect your Select to the track. Note that if you are using R602 or R8206 or R8201 track connector products that these are not compatible with DCC. You should be using R8241 or R8242.


Answer all these questions and we will be in a better position to offer some specific advice.


Can you recode a locomotive address?


Yes you can 'recode' a locomotive DCC address using a Select provided that you only use addresses in the 01 to 59 range. Addresses above 59 are not supported with the Select.


The locomotive that just goes off at a set speed when placed on the track. Can you confirm 100% without any doubt whatsoever that this loco has a decoder fitted. Locomotive boxes that just say 'DCC Ready' do not have decoders fitted.


Does this particular loco make a loud buzzing noise?


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Hi to answer your questions please see below...

The number that cvomes up first on my serlect ios 20 then 30 and then the default 03

The dercoder i am using is R8249

 The locomotive number is R4859

The power supply to the track is R8241

Yes the locomotive is the mallard fitted with DCCsound decoder and a class2721 0-6-0 that came with the mioxed traffic st i get the virgin one to work at all R4859


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Your Select is version 2.0 firmware and the very latest current Select at the time of writing. Are you using the version 1.6 Addendum manual for the instructions as to how to perform configuration tasks etc and not the main version 1.5 manual. The 1.6 Addendum manual is the correct reference manual for use with a version 2.0 Select.


You can download these two 1.5 & 1.6 manual PDFs from here:



If nothing appears to happen, check your nominated browser download folder for the files as they can download silently in the background.


If you are not using the 1.6 Addendum manual, then you may possibly just be doing it wrong when trying to change a loco decoder address.


Somebody else can correct me if I am wrong. But I believe that R4859 [Virgin HST DVT Trailer] is the rear dummy motor car. It is 'DCC Ready' and has a decoder socket so that you can operate & control lights on DCC, but as a dummy motor car it has no electric motor in it. So cannot move under its own power.


Please clarify, which of your locomotives is the one that just goes off at a set uncontrollable speed.


Is it the Mallard with Sound?


If it is the sound TTS Mallard, you never specified the R number of this loco. If it is TTS then I recommend that you use your version 2.0 Select to modify the value of CV29 to disable (if it hasn't been disabled already) 'DC Operation'.


CV29 Online calculator.


Use the online calculator above to ascertain the required value needed for CV29 to disable 'DC Operation' .... I suggest it is probably 2


When you are using your Select to 'write' DCC Addresses and CVs make sure that you are using a dedicated separate piece of track as a 'programming' track piece. Do try to avoid using the main track for programming. If you do use the main track, make sure that the track is emptied of ALL other locomotive and DCC devices. The decoder being configured MUST be the ONLY DCC device connected to your Select 'Track A&B' output.


PS - For information.You can use your Select V2.0 to reset any of your locomotive decoders back to their 'factory defaults' by writing a value of 8 to CV8. A 'factory default reset' will reset the decoder DCC address to 03. You can then test the decoder on this address and prove it working BEFORE trying to change the address to something different.


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