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Sound on Analogue


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Only the more expensive sound decoders allow sound on analogue. And even then, only the basic background engine running sound. No horns or whistles etc can be used. Not very cost effective if you are paying out say £100 plus for a 'sound decoder' that you are only using 10% of its DCC sound capability.


Hornby TTS sound decoders cannot make any sound at all on DC Analogue.


For DC Analogue layouts you are better off looking at Train-Tech DC Analogue battery operated sound modules.


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Hi, Rob, works out of the box, on DC, dont you know. My prob, if you recall, was trying to change CV, from 03, on DCC.. Poster was asking about sound on DC. Walking the dog, has Rivarossi, Big Boy, and some sounds work on his old DC layout, but as was pointed out, are not controlable.. With the MTH, controller, all sounds, work on DC..   Its a shame, for DC users, that sound, is not readily available. Here in uk/ europe, its a bit of a lottery.  In the  states, nearly all their locos, perform happily. They are built for DCS, control, actually,  but will run on all 3 systems.

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There was a post about this a few weeks ago. I know my Zimo locomotives do sound in analogue mode, but as Chrisaf says it is uncontrollable. TTS Decoders  don't do sound in analogue and on the new ones even the basic running in DC is disabled. If you want sound you really need to go DCC, that way you get the sound tailored to that particular loco, especially the whistles which seem to vary between locos.

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