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City of Edinburgh R2270 (Streamline)


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I have aquired the above loco (pre-owned), and have found that it negotiates curves / points better than my Silver Link & Mallard.

The loco has been fitted with the optional front bogie which was supplied with the model. This has 10mm wheels giving better clearance from the streamlining.

Was this bogie a Hornby Spare Part? or where I might obtain suitable 10mm wheels as I would like to modify the Link & Mallard.

Also the service sheet number, I have scanned thorough the Hornby site and cannot find it listed.

I would be grateful for any help / advice.




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If I remember correctly, the Coronation was factory-fitted with the small wheel bogie and the larger wheeled version supplied for those who wished to display the model or run it on very large radius curves.  On that basis, the small wheel bogie is X8945 and that with larger wheels is X8968.  Both were originally available with blue or black wheels.  Service sheet 222B covers R2270, not included in Hornby's listing for some reason but downloadable from Lendons (lendonsmodelshop.co.uk).  Both bogies may be difficult to source.  A4s were not offered with two bogies as clearances are not a problem but if you wish to convert, obtain additional Coronation bogies for their wheels.  The bogie link arm may need adjusting.

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As GS mentions, the smaller 10mm diameter wheeled front bogie was the 'standard fit', the 12mm wheeled bogie was included in a recess in the polystyrene moulding underneath the locomotive.


There should be plenty of bogies available on Ebay.

I've several small-wheeled bogies myself I'm never going to use - prefer the more-scale ones and use larger radius curves anyway.


Be careful using tighter radii, as it will accelerate chassis and coupling rod wear, particularly if the axle isn't just-nicely lubricated to permit it to slide smoothly side-to-side.



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As many will know I have many "Britannia" class locos. I changed all the earlier front bogies for those with bigger wheels which looked so much better and also managed to get the spares packs for most of them with front steps etc. The cylinders were too small on some and did not have the cover on the top of the cylinders, but research showed some never had that anyway. Cost put me off doing all the cylinders. The China made batch of tender driven Brits were all slightly upgraded and are fine for my purposes. Maybe if you look at the differences between the UK and china versions the small parts pack will add even more to the locos you have.



The latter being my full scale model 😎

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Good point with the Brits.


Have you got a 70022 Tornado? !!



Hello Al, sorry for the delay replying. I have not done Tornado yet as I try to get hold of suitable versions of the model to rename and renumber. The Brit's had so many variations it is difficult sometimes to find a suitable donor. I have one loco still to do but as I lost interest in railways about 4 years back it still needs fettling. That one will be 70003 John Bunyan. It was in a train pack that I bought and is at present 70008 Black Prince. I am not sure what happened with that train pack but I bought one from a catalogue firm and it was destroyed by someone else playing with it then sending it back for a refund. At the time I was very busy woking up to 60 hours a week and I was refunded then ordered another. As my wife was mainly at home I think that they also refunded me but sent a replacement as well. It didn't come to light until I was going through all my Brits when I noticed 2 of the same train pack. One received etched Black Prince nameplates and the other I found without so quickly sussed out I had two. If you are interested in Britannia Class locos have a look at this well documented 3 page article on the late David Heys website, which explains all the differences between the class. You will see why I am picky with donor models. Sadly it is impossible to be 100% accurate.http://www.davidheyscollection.com/page90.htm and the next two pages



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