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Bachmann 4mt Tank front bogie


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Yet again with the front bogie derailing on a loco. So anyway with my success with the Hornby P2, I thought I will remove the spring arrangement with a view to adding some weight. So I removed the sprung metal spring from the bogie and before I went any further check that it still ran. Surprise it runs perfectly without the spring and no weights. Has anyone else had this issue? It seems the spring was preventing it dropping down properly to engage with the rails. It always derailed at the double slip which always seem to be an issue with most of my locos.

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The Bachy 4MT is a superb locomotive - one of my (many!) favourites - love the opening smokebox door.

Perhaps Sam's in his recent video was under-powered - don't remember mine having those issues - not a powerhouse with such a small 3-pole motor, but runs fine.

Having mentioned that, check out Sam's Trains' recent video of a green tank - don't remember seeing derailing issues and he runs over quite a lot of points.


I must say, mine has had no issues - in that respect, as manufactured (knowing how I 'tinker' with locomotives, such is the hobby).



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I did buy mine secondhand so perhaps the previous owner had issues. Someone asked me to fit LokSound to their one, so seeing as I had the opportunity I fitted mine with Zimo so I could compare the two. Mine doesn't seem underpowered and now I have fixed the front bogie is running really well. Mind you I only ever run 4  carriages max, so perhaps that is why I don't have any speed issue.

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My 4MT tank runs fine with the spring in situ, although I do seem to recall having to 'fine tune' it with some careful bending. On the other hand, my Bachmann 3MT tank needed to have the similar style of spring removed before it successfully traversed all of my points and the transfer on and off the turntable.

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