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Elite update problem


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Hi, I am having problems updating my Elite. I have read all the advice given so far but none seems to help in my case. I want to update in Windows 10 and followed the advice given in Windows 10... ELITE Firmware Update procedures on the web site although that contradicts advice given in the Forum. The procedure says hold the stop for 15 secs but on the Forum it says 30 secs. Anyway all goes well the computer recognises the USB port as 4 and it appears to download as the green status bar moves accross OK. However once it has finished it then says 'Installation failed.' I am now left with a non working Elite as it is dead although the green light is on. Any ideas?

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On my version there were 3 values for PC in the drop down menu, "1,2 or 3". Try it with each different value until it works. It should work eventually. I think the issue is on the values that don't work the PC is downloading the data faster than the Elite can accept it, so it fails. Changing the drop down menu item I assume puts a delay in between each bit of data it downloads, so that the Elite can keep up. The other thing to check is that the com port it thinks, it is using, is right, you check this in Windows Manager.

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Yes the progress bar will always go right across but I asked  how long does it take - seconds, minutes and how many or ages.

On my PC it takes seconds but I have now tried it on my laptop which is older and approx 1min. Still the same result of "Update failed".

So thank you Hornby might as well chuck it in the bin as no use now!

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You could send it back to Hornby and have them do it for you.


You've said followed advice on the forum. But you didn't clarify what advice?


Just in case you have not been looking at the optimum 'How to update Elite firmware' threads. Then follow these two below [you will have to copy and paste the URL text into your browser as making links clickable is currently broken].


Updating Elite firmware [written for Ver1.43 but still the same for current version].




Alternative Elite firmware update method if documented method fails [see reply by Peter Rowney].




Be sure to follow the guidance as written to the letter.


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No need for the defeatist attitude.


It is all a case of getting the procedure right - basically eliminating user finger trouble.

You are looking for a transit time for sucess of around 2-4 minutes.

Anything shorter is a definite fail and anything longer will likely work but be a time waster.


The essential here is, as already described by Colin the installer is trying using your settings, to match the Elite accept info rate with what the PC can push out, i.e. either word by word, line by line or page by page. The rate is dependant upon the chipset of your PC motherboard, not if it is Win98, Vista, XP, 7, 8, or 10.


Given all other settings are correct, e.g. Com port, baud rate, etc then once you have matched your PC using the correct Type then it will definitely work.


I have literally updated Elites hundreds of times on test and have yet to totally kill one, yes an update may fail but you keep at it until it works. In testing we had as many as 16 ‘Types’ to pick from. These were rationalised to the 3 we have now.

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Believe me, I know how frustrating it can be. Firstly your Elite may appear to you like a "brick" as we used to call automotive modules when the update failed, but you can get back into the bootloader by powering up and pressing the "Stop" button. As I said before you have to do this every time you try PC set with a different value. I suppose the good news is the software is using the right comms port, because it managed to tell the Elite how to delete its main program. Trouble is the delete command is probably only 3 bytes of data so it always works. Unfortunately, the Elite is rather old which means its bootloader was written ages ago, now there are better ways to do it but even though you can download new software, you cannot update the system in the unit for doing it. Even modern systems go wrong, my friend's son in law  "bricked" his iphone so it still happens and Apple basically writeoff the phone. As RAF96 says it should work eventually, I know that is not much help.

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Well happy to say at last it is working. Forget all the holding things and waiting for 15 or 30 seconds. Get the updater ready on the pc, hold down the stop and plug in the power, release the stop and immediately plug in the usb cable and hit the download. Wait for it to download and hurrah it is now updated.

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I believe that was the 'fall-back - workaround' technique described in 'Peter Rowney's' post linked to in my second link given in my earlier reply timed at 16:07 on Page 1 of this thread.

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