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Ringfield motor problem


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Hi schuie help needed i have a problem with a ringfield motor the problem is i cannot see  where one of the brushes makes a connection to  the motor body one of the brushes is isolated and goes to the front bogie no problem there the second brush should have a lead connected to the body of the motor but alas it is not there

yet there is continuity from the wheels to the brush this the problem the loco(class 35) runs fine on dc but i want to run the  loco on dcc but i cant till i find out what is creating this problem has any one come across this problem


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There are a number of different types of Ringfield motor, each have their own electrical isolation challenges. This web article should help you identify what Ringfield type you have, and the optimum DCC conversion method to use. Some need a metal screw replaced with a Nylon one to isolate the chassis.




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There are two favorites, it is either the self tapping screw that holds the metal brush retainer on, or underneath the metal brush retainer spade connection, is a metal post that it rests on. The metal brush retainer is the piece of spring steel that stops the brush and spring from falling out if you didn't know.

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