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arc pro lane change button stops the car


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I bought sunset speedway set first lane change worked well. After few minutes when I pressed lane change button on wireless controller it stops the car when I release accelerate again. What do I need to fix it. Track seems work when I position the lane to change and push the car manually over the sensor flipper flips back to straight position. But some kind of setting issue that I am missing? Help me fix please.

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Hi Dr.mario - welcome to the forum!


There are two buttons on the top of the ARC controller - the lane change button (with a 'Y' on it) is above the brake button (with the 'X'). Maybe you are pressing the wrong button? What you describe is what the brake button does.


It is a very good idea to keep the ARC Pro Quick Start Guide handy as you are getting to grips with the new system - there's a lot to learn and remember. When you start to look at using the ARC app, I've written this guide: slotracer.online/arc-pro-guide


I hope that helps!

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