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Railmaster pro

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Hi Kevin, this has nothing to do with Hornby directly, rather with the 3rd party developer of the software known to us as Hornby Railmaster Support (HRMS).


You can email directly to HRMS from within the Help screen of RM and tell them exactly what error was reported to you.  When you do so, you should receive an auto-acknowledgement immediately before they come back to you.  If you don't receive this, it may be related to your problem.


Try emailing and tell us how you go.

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That kind of warning comes up for a few reasons and Fishmanoz is right to point out how to deal with it.

It could mean your card was not accepted or that some detail was not quite right or simply that the connection was not made to clear your card.

It is extremely unlikely to be due to the Covid19 situation as these things are electronically controlled and are automatic with no manual intervention.

First thing is to check if your card has been charged and if so check as stated by Fishmanoz. The system may have been locked for maintenance which means a payment could not be taken. You would need to try again or check your card hasn't been charged afterward.

If it hasn't been charged you may have to reorder. However, if a delay is in place for clearance purposes you should still check as stated as to what has happened.

If the card has been charged later on in the day/evening then you should receive a confirmation email and the license to install.

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