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points quandry


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Hi all

I have a points problem.

I need to create basically an M point track formation at the dead end of a station using a left hand, right hand and a Y point.

That's how the end of the line is in photographs of the real place are, being left hand road platform ,center road loco release and right hand road goods bank and shed the point on the center road is a Y point.

The problem I am having no matter what brand track I look at the Y point is a different geometry and radius on the curves to the standard points. meaning I can't create the needed M formation.

Any one got any bright ideas on how to get round this I was sure one of the brands could do this and maintain track centers but apparently not.

Not with standing the strange one and a half point wiring for goods or passenger road needed to make it work as a loco release.

regards John


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Why can't you use Express Points? They have the same "curve" as the Y point? I don't know the resulting track centres but at least everything would align.

If needed short pieces of track between the Y spurs and the express point would increase the track centres.

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Hornby track - a Y  point uses R628 curves to make parallel whereas standard points use R606 curves to make parallel. 


I am having problems visualising your track arrangement unless there is a track in to the top of the left and right legs of the M with the branch of the points here mating with the top of the Y giving three roads in the terminus station from two roads in.




If not please post a sketch of the idea.

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I interpreted Buz's idea as your left side sketch. I repeat that if the requirement is to have three parallel tracks at standard ccs then two pieces of R610 at the end of each WYE leg connected to Express Points should give a solution. Unfortunately I don't have permission to post pictures without approval.

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Hi RAF96

Your left hand sketch almost has it, move the dead ends to the two pieces sticking up at the top of the M and the track continuation arrows to the bottom of the M

Standard centers are vital because of the mass of points and the way they are set out at the other end of the station ( Exit to the rest of the world well in the general main line direction at least  😆

Also until the other end of the station the three tracks run equally spaced and parallel at standard centers.

regards John

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Hi Margate Richmond

It comes down to the real station was not laid out like that and for this station I am going to try and produce a good likeness of the station right down to trying to build the buildings.

Liberties need to be taken in lengths possible omissions depending on period track plan chosen.

But having wiggles that could compromise running reliability where they should not be is not an option.

Due to the mix of couplings wide not so wide and narrow tension locks I have.

Unnecessary wiggles cause more problems than they are worth particularly on tracks which are used for shunting.

It will take some time to standardize the couplings some like the early old open end Triang ones I don't think could be easily updated to narrow tension locks and Hornby's horrible molded on couplings can't be changed without a lot of grief.

Which on wiggles can cause hook locking between the different manufacture period rollingstock and derailment problems.

I don't segregate manufacture era wagons or coaches that compromises train make up.

regards John

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