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More Sound Issues


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Sorry about this but I have some more sound issues with my Tornado TTS

1, Why does a whistle sound when I turn the track power on. (No loco selected)

2. Why when I select F2 ....(.chime whistle, plays once,) does it play twice.

3.Why when I select any of F3, F4, F5 or F6, does it play as it should but then annoyingly, is followed by a chime whistle.

4. F5 is short screech whistle.......loops until disabled. It doesn't, it plays once only.

All other "loops until disabled" functions work fine.

Thank you for your patience.

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These issues may possibly go away once you have your Select upgraded to 1.6 firmware which some of your previous posts infers is on your 'plan of action' to do list.

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In that case wait for Rob (RAF96) to reply. He has more testing experience of TTS decoders with Select 1.6 firmware than anybody.


However, in the meantime. Since you have Select version 1.6 firmware. You could try resetting the TTS sound routines by writing 5 to CV8. This shouldn't affect any addressing information you might have configured.


If that doesn't fix it, follow up with a full factory reset writing 8 to CV8


And then finally if all else fails, try a factory reset of the Select itself.

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I have about 4 of these decoders, I must admit I have never seen this. They reset themselves a lot if they get a poor signal. Sometimes if you have previously selected whistle once, then turn the sound off (F1) turn the sound back on, then you get a whistle but nothing like you mention. Do all your other locos work ok? It is just I have had issues recently with a DCC turntable doing weird and wonderful things which I eventually traced to one of the DCC wires not working properly. So the turntable was only getting half the DCC signal. I suppose they could have not programmed it properly but I doubt it. It sounds like a call to Hornby. Even if it was a switch bounce issue with your Select, it sounds too consistant to be that. I suppose there could have been an issue with your Select when it got upgraded, but again that seems a bit far fetched. Does it do it on any of your other TTS decoders.

I don't know if you have tried this, but try it on a single length of track just in case something on your track layout is doing something weird.

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OK, I have no idea what is going on but I have just fired up the layout and apart from the whistle at power up, all the other issues have miraculously resolved themselves.

Hopefully permanently so I won't have to bother you good people again. 

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No surprise to me, read the posts on this site and I am sure I have seen this before. One thing I would check that you haven't got any reverse loops on one of you tracks. So play around with any points on the track you are testing and see if the fault reappears.

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The likely cause of the strange sounds is that they are switched on. The Select has no function indicator apart from the Fn On or Fn Of  at selection, so you either have to keep a tick list, have a good memory or laboriously go through all functions to check they are off.


Assuming the basic decoder installation into the loco is good...


Basic fault fixing  in cases like this is to reset the Select which also effectively switches all functions off and sorts out any wrinkles in the Select. In the case of an updated Select this reset will also disable DC running. If DC running is enabled it is possible to select loco Zero in error and apply throttle, which will place the offset zero bit (pseudo DC) signal onto the bus and this can affect other decoders.


Then reset the sound section of the decoder and as stated by Chris if that does not sort it out do a full decoder reset. Note that resetting a decoder may require a few goes to get it to stick, why I do not really know, possibly poor signal or not waiting long enough on some controllers for them to carry out the task. One alien controller is noted for saying on screen the action is complete but it is still bumbling around doing it in the background, so slowly, slowly on the button presses can help.


Just turning the layout power off at day’s end does not always put things right but as it is the standard IT fix - i.e. turn it off and turn it on, it can sometimes work.


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Weird, mine definitely don't I would have noticed that. Perhaps it is a function of the controller, I use an Elite or a Fleishmann. What TTS decoders were they? I get lots of noise when they start up, normal steam sounds or diesel noises, definitely no whistles.

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Maybe its an issue with the select controller. Mine is on 16 since the update. It is begining to annoy me on occasions though. I sometimes have trouble selecting "1" and might get "11" or nothing at all. I also tried inputting 180 as a cv parameter and got as far as 18 but it wouldn't let me add the final zero. I was carefully following the firmware update info as well.

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I also tried inputting 180 as a cv parameter and got as far as 18 but it wouldn't let me add the final zero.


My understanding is that to enter the number 180. You long press the 1 key until 1 starts flashing on screen. Then you enter 80


If you wanted to enter the number 225. You long press the 2 key until 2 starts flashing on screen. Then you enter 25


If you wanted to enter the number 65, then there are no long presses needed and you just directly key in the number 65.

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Did you successfully reset the Select using the procedure in the addendum.


TTS decoders definitely should not sound a whistle at layout powerup, which again as Colin points out leads to a function being left switched on at the controller, hence the advice to reset it which neutralises all settings and switched functions.


As Chris said does the display flash when you long press 1 (or 2) for three digit numbers, indicating it is ready for the tens and units to be entered.


Your zero key must be working or you wouldn't be in programming mode as you have to long press the Select button then enter zero or double zero to enter programming. Keys can be sticky as they are a rudimentary mechanical device consisting of a triangular contact plate pressing on PCB contacts. Exercising the keys can restore function.


I don’t have a Select with me on my travels so I am relying on experience, memory and the manual plus addendum to follow your problem.

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Ok, this is a long shot but you haven't spilt anything on the Select that could have got in the keys? I have had things where the key actually gets stuck, so although you press another key, the stuck one takes precedence. As I say it is incredibly rare, but it happens. 

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Reading your post again GJB you say you see 18 which disappears when you enter zero. This confirms you are not long pressing 1 to get the flashing indication to show it is ready to take the 8 then 0 inputs.


Colin the contacts are covered in sellotape to keep them in place - yes very crude - but it should offer some protection against spillage, see here...this is Elite but Select is much the same...



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RAF96 thank you for your advice.

With regard to the loco playing a whistle on power up. Yesterday evening, the whistle was replaced by "wheel slip".  I closed this function, switched of and then back on to complete silence. Tried again this morning and again no noise. It looks like be it whistle or any other function, I was just not switching the function off prior to shut down despite thinking I had.

With regard to changing the cv parameter on my programing track. I should point out that this is a different loco fitted with a Lais decoder.

It works very well but in my view travels much too fast when approaching top speed. This is why I am trying a lower parameter of 180. I tried again this morning following the addendum to the letter, but I still can't end up with 180 showing on the screen. This mornings attempts left me with 80 visible. I haven't selected this for fear of reducing the loco to a crawl so have just cancelled.

Not sure what to do next.

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I tried again this morning following the addendum to the letter, but I still can't end up with 180 showing on the screen. This mornings attempts left me with 80 visible.


It is impossible for the Select to display 180. The screen is only two characters wide. This is the whole point of why you have to perform a 'long press' of the first digit [in this case 1]. Only the 80 displays because the 1 is off the visible screen to the left, but is still there in memory because of the 'long press 1' action.

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RAF96.   All good now........ Until the next time. Haha. 

I do read the manuals, but sadly I am less able to absorb info pertaining to a new subject than I used to be. 

However, if you want to know the ignition timing on a 1955 Matchless G80s, I could be your man. 

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I tell folk I am technically dislexic, i.e. I can read the manual and I understand all the words but not in the order they are written.


Which why I need pictures in the books to set the primary chain tension on a 600 Norton. Not mine - just helping a friend.


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