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loco functions

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 I have railmaster and elite and have 10 locos with sound, I can get all functions with two locos but only 6 with the rest. When i press the 7th  function a tab comes up saying i can only get 6 funcions. I have 7 hornby and 3 bachmann locos.How come i can't get all functions on all  locos.Can anyone explain please.

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On the 'Locomotive Settings' screen have you ticked MORE THAN SIX check boxes against the sound function list. You can only select a maximum of six functions using the check boxes.


Note that the 'check boxes' are ONLY relevant to the small throttle. ALL functions from F0 to F28 appear on the large throttle. The purpose of the 'check boxes' is to define which of the decoder functions are your six favourite functions that you want to access on the small throttle. You do not check all of them .... only a max of six.


The large throttle can be scrolled to see all functions.


This previous thread provides details and screen shots showing how to scroll the large throttle.



Also, have you entered label text for all your functions in the 'Locomotive Settings' screen. Any function button that is labelled "not used" cannot be used on any of the throttles. Again a 'screen shot' capture of your locomotive settings screen as requested below will show up any simple configuration errors you might have made.


If my suggestions above is way off the mark. Then you will need to post a screen shot of the 'Locomotive Settings' screen of one of the worst affected locos for your locomotive configuration to be reviewed. Your issue is almost certainly to be an issue of incorrect configuration.


This previous thread might also fill in some gaps in your knowledge regarding the 'Locomotive Settings' screen.



See TIP 8 in my TIPs page with regard posting images.




Remember the 'Blue' button is not a 'Reply to this post' button. Please use the 'Reply Text Box' at the bottom of the page to reply.



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Hi Chris

Thank you for that information, all is well now, did what you said. Brought up loco settings, typed in all functions for that loco F0-F25 without ticking F6-F25 saved the settings. Come out of loco settings brought up large throttle and they were all there.Tried the functions they all work so i'm started to do the rest.

Once again thank you for all your help 

Stay Safe

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