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Pendolino coupling


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I looked at this, they seem fundermental to the way the loco leans. The thing that Hornby didn't do, the KISS principle (keep it simple stupid) in making them all the same or sticking to two types. Then they decided not to bother sourcing any spares. Of and of course, making them so flimsy that they fail especially when the plastic gets old. I will say no more. The thing I find even more amazing was this was targetted at the toys market, so when the teenager breaks the coupling and can't get replacements they are going to be put off buying Hornby for life.

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As for the couplings breaking, it depends how much abuse the Pendolino gets. I can assume that because it goes so fast, there are those who go to the max, it derails and that's when they break.

I have bought several pre-used Pendolinos and only had one that was broke. So after looking at the possible problems that came up, it was mostly the couplings, so I bought 10 of each expecting the worse. And so far I have only used one, and that was broken already. 

If one is careful about joining the coaches up, which where I guess, it is also possible to break them, because it is still a bit fiddly to connect them up.

Patience is a virtue, but the the youth(and some adults) who wants instant 'get up and go', will more than likely consign the set to the back of the cupboard.

I have tested a pretty much damaged (pre-used) Pendolino at full speed, and soon enough it did going flying off the track. But the couplings never broke.  I guess I'm just lucky. I can still maintain a good speed if I feel like it, but what's the point. As another member of this site says, 'why not buy a scalextric'. 😉 😆

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I have only broke one and that was when it fell off the table, but that is not the point. Accidents do happen, by making four different types of coupling Hornby quadrupled the types of spares they need to retain, so it seems they took the easy route,not to bother. As for the plastic going hard, well we all know that is an issue long term. I can understand not sourcing a lot of parts as it costs money, the thing that really annoys me is that they don't carry spares of things that are most likely to break. The price of their locos is nearing £200, so you are going to be very upset if you cannot get a part to repair it, especially when their main competitor seems to do a much better service. 

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Oh yes I get that.  I guess the couplings could have been designed much better and easier to fit, but the lack of spares is really annoying.

It's sad enough when I buy a Pendolino just for spares, but choices are limited for spares. Even those are hard to find now for a sensible price.

It's a case of a 'ship being ruined for the sake of a lick of tar'.

The Bachmann EMU Class 350, I have needs 2 parts, the 'draw bar' and the socket on each coach. The sockets are an even bigger pain to fit in my opinion.  'Draw bar' is done in seconds.

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