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DCC Class 43 HST Lights

Guest Chrissaf

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I've just bought a new class 43 HST and having abit of trouble with the lights, I can't change the dummy car's lights from white to red. The powered car is ok. I would be grateful for any suggestions as I would like to run the train with the dummy car


at the end so would like a red light.

Is it to do with the direction of travel in relationship with the Select controller because I cannot change the direction either. How many white lights should there be - 3 or 4 on each car?

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Sounds like a wiring fault in the powered car.


If under warranty I would send it back.


If not under warranty then I would be looking for solder bridging problems on the pcb that has the decoder socket or a misllaced wire to the lights.

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I think the issue with this, is there are multiple types of HST, not helped by Hornby.  The newer Railroad HST from what I gather from posts (my one is old and I had to add DCC sockets) has the lights on permanently, so I think that explains many of the issues. You can do what ever you want to the decoder, but it is not going to change that. What you need to do is rewire the DCC socket so they are controlled by the decoder. I think it would help a lot if people explained what level of HST they have.

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