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Class 37 TTs sound


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Good afternoon

I have recently purchased a TTs class 37 sound decoder and upgraded the speaker. Unfortunately when i have tried to change the decoder number as soon as I put the loco on the track it has immediate power without me having to increase or decrerase the power.

Any help would be very much appreciated

Jsiony R N  

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Are you by chance using a Hornby Select controller and if so what firmware revision is it. The very first number to appear briefly on screen when the Select powers up.


If it is not a Select, it is always useful to know what brand / model of controller you are using as it may have a bearing on your issue.

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At least the TTS is doing something so that is good news, you haven't blown it up. Try resetting the TTS decoder by writing 8 to CV8, check it works with the loco address of 3 (reset value) and do the programming process again. It is a Hornby loco you are doing this to or a loco with an 8 pin DCC socket?

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I have a Prodigy 2. Are you using the prog track output. There isn't enough power output on the prog track to move the loco. When you put the chop in did you endure it is in the correct way round. There is an index mark for pin 1.

If DC is enable in CV29 you might find it needs to be turned off as it may be causing the problem. Once you  get the loco to be stationary on the program track, use the following to calculate the value required in CV29 to turn off dc running 


Other thing did you push it in to far so the chip pins are touching the chassis.

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From what you are saying it is an old Bachmann, the new ones have 21 pin. The reason I asked is I have had issues with the 21 to 8 pin converters. There is very little space at the top of a class 37, so if you use one of those it does funning things to the loco as it gets squashed as you screw the body together (I managed to blow one up doing exactly that). It doesn't matter which way round the header gets inserted, all it means is that the lights won't work properly and the direction of travel will be reversed, but most times you don't notice as you just drive the controller in a different direction. If it is the same class 37 as I have with the 8 pin DCC socket, it doesn't have lights, so to be honest it doesn't matter one bit if the chip is the wrong way round. The class 37 TTS decoder is quite a new version, assuming you bought it new in the last year, so the DC enabled should be disabled by Hornby before you picked it up. The only thing I think it could be is when you were programming it, the DCC signal got corrupted, so it has put the chip in a weird state. As per my previous post, try resetting it and see if improves it. Do it a couple of times to ensure it worked and read back the loco address in programming mode to check it has worked properly.

To all the other members of this forum having the chip the wrong way round only effects the lights and motor direction, so it is not magically going to fix a broken decoder, a reset might. If the motor runs but the lights don't work then it is a valid fix.

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