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2 screen


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This question has been asked before.


HRMS (the software RailMaster developers) say it can be done, but they have not given any detailed indication as to how it can be done and nobody so far has posted a definitive working solution to this question that describes exactly what needs to be done to achieve it. See the first link below for the justification for the HRMS statement. The capability is not included within the RailMaster application itself and would appear to be something you have to configure at your Windows Operating System and Monitor hardware level, presumably using two Graphics cards in the PC or a specialist Graphic card with a dual extended monitor capability (not a clone display option). It all starts to get very complicated and potentially expensive, with no guarantee that the expense of purchasing a second monitor and graphic card will result in a working solution.




See also:




Note that you have got your eLink A & B reversed. eLink A is used to control trains and track. eLink B can only control accessories such as points.


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Thanks Chris.

I will chance the track to Elink B. The links where very helpfull. Think I can try with the windows 10 extebded screen functions. I am just way thing on some component So that the basic is working fine .than multi screen is my next job. I will let you know when I find a simple sollution.

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I will chance the track to eLink B


I'm advising you now. Only Controller A can be used to control locos on the track and perform CV configuration functions.


Accessories on the track such as signals & points give the option in those accessory configuration screens of using either Controller A or Controller B but only if a second controller is implemented [see screen shot below]




Controller B cannot control locos. There is nowhere in the equivalent loco settings configuration screens that give you the option to choose which controller to use. Controller A for loco control is hard coded into RailMaster. If you connect eLink B [i.e Controller B] to the physical track, then no locos will move under your control.


Extract from RailMaster manual.



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As an addendum to Chris's excellent summary of the 2-controller scenario, I would just like to mention specifically Traintech colour light signals. From purchase, these signals are primarily designed with legs which slot into the track under the rails, and when used like this, pick up their power and commands from Controller A via the track. However, it is possible, if desired, to remove these legs and replace them with a pair of "dropper" wires in order to connect them to seperate accessory bus, in turn connected to controller B. There is no great advantage in doing this, however, other than having the signals staying illuminated if there is a short circuit on Controller A.



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Thanks for your correction Chris, meen the same but cannot expres myself in engjis, it is not my mothers langues (Dutch) I will not got that problem begoes I juse Hornby arm signals with digikeijs dr4024 servo controllers I like the spirrit of the old days when my father give me a first startset And build with me on the layout. I think he hat like rail master also, asspacely the track plan with al the annematic points, signals etc.


thanks for thinking with me!

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  • 1 month later...
Today I was finally able to try everything out. Railmaster is connected as you suggested. The computer connected with two screens. choose in windows screen settings to expand the screens. Start Railmaster and wait for everything to start. hold down the left mouse button on the right drawbar next to the locomotive screen screen and pull it to the second screen. release the mouse button. now everything is set. the next time Railmaster starts up it will again be in two screens. If you ever connect 1 screen again, Railmaster knows this and everything is normal again.
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ReMa's solution is almost word for word what HRMS said in Chris's first link - extend (not clone) your displays so you see different content on each then simply drag the unmaximised RM screen across between the monitors  until until locos show on one monitor and trackplan on the other. 

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  • 5 weeks later...

It took me a while because I'm still waiting for my 2nd monitor. I just used one of the other monitors in the house for some pictures.

The aim is to mount the monitors side by side where the 2nd is at an angle of 20% compared to the other. I can then still have a part of the layout in the 2nd screen and can see everything as big as possible




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