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RailMaster [Transfering from Win7 Laptop to Win10 Tablet]

Guest Chrissaf

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As long as the W7 is still working at the time of transfer. Follow the detailed instructions in the RailMaster manual pages 131 and 132


In principle, the steps are 'deactivate' the existing RM key on the W7 installation (manual page 131). Install a new copy of RM onto the new Windows machine. Copy across the files stated on page 132 in the manual onto the new Windows machine and reactivate the key. I suggest you use the 'installer file' downloadable from the link at the top of the RailMaster forum to install the new copy of RM on the new machine.


TIP. If you can't remember what details you used when you activated RM the very first time. They are contained in plain text in a file called "activate.dat" open this file from the W7 machine with Windows 'notepad.exe' to view the contents. If you copy this 'activate.dat' file over to the new Win machine, that should in theory make re-activation less likely to fail as it will populate the activation proforma on the new Win machine with the original activation request data.


Users do use RM on a Windows Tablet, but I am not convinced myself that is the best option because of the small screen. The Tablet of course MUST have a USB port on it, else you can't connect to your eLink or Elite controller.

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Hi Not Nash, just a tip for future posts. You've posted in the RM forum with the title of RM.  As everything in here is about RM, this doesn't tell us anything about your problem.


It's always best that the title gives detail on the problem itself.  As an example - Don't title your post "My Grandmother" or even "I can't follow my grandmother's Instructions" when the problem is you are deaf and can't hear her.  Say so - "I can't hear my grandmother's instructions because I'm deaf". 

So for this thread, my title would be "Moving RM from my old laptop to new W10 tablet". Not only will we know what your thread is about, people coming along later with the same problem will have a lot less trouble finding the solution in your thread without having to ask again.  

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Greetings all.

My laptop is past its best.

I am going to buy a tablet with w10.

All advice re, which tablet to buy to use soley for railmaster and how to transfer software from w7 laptop will be most welcome.

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