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Edit saved track plan

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  1. In RailMaster click the 'Track Designer' icon ['Set Square' icon circled in red top image]. Actual icon may vary subject to RM theme used.
  2. Then use the 'Pull Down Box' [bottom left circled in red bottom image] to select the plan you want to edit.
  3. Then once edited, use the 'Green Tick' to save it [circled bottom right]




Note: if you want to save the edited track plan under a new name. Then write the new name you want to save it to in the bottom left pull down box before clicking the green tick save button. Then to load this differently named track plan when RM starts, you will also have to select this new track plan name in the pull down box on the RM 'System Settings' screen. If you just edit the existing plan and keep the same name, then you will need to close and re-open RM to see the amended plan loaded on the main RM screen.



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