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hornby class66 cpt tom


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...been told the other functions will only work when the loco is moving...


I believe this is misinformation that you have been given. I couldn't find the Function list for a Class 66 TTS, but I did find the Function list for a Class 67 TTS which I believe to be very similar. I have annotated the list below with additional play information. As far as I can tell, the only sounds that require the loco to be moving are highlighted in bold. All the others 'where play once spot sounds are applicable' can be played whether the loco is moving or not. Although some spot sounds might be modified to sound differently when the loco is moving.




As you can see very few functions in the list require the loco to be moving.


Now you haven't told us what controller you are using. If it is a Select with version 1.0 firmware. It can only use Functions 1 to 4.


Now it may be that this is the reason that you cannot get any sounds above F4.


The current installed firmware is displayed as the very first number to briefly appear on the Select screen as it is being powered up. Expect to see a number between 10 and 20. At the time of writing, the latest version is 1.6 [16] or 2.0 [20] - both the same. These latest versions completely transform the user experience of the Select controller and add the ability to write (not read) all CVs up to CV255. As well as access to the full F0 - F28 range of functions.


The upgrade charge is typically £15 plus your sending postage costs. You need to get a 'returns number' from Hornby Customer Services - see 'Contact Us' link at the very bottom of the page.


If you do arrange to get your Select firmware upgraded, then you will need both the Select version 1.5 full manual and the version 1.6 addendum manual. As the operation of your Select (how to use it) will be completely different in certain areas of operation compared to your current firmware version.


You can download these two manual PDFs from here:



If nothing appears to happen, check your nominated browser download folder for the files as they can download silently in the background.


Meaning of the word "Toggle".


In the context of this application 'Toggle' means 'press once' to turn on, 'Press again' to turn off.


Additional Important Information.


If using the Select or Elite controller. Even the 'play once' spot sounds still require the Function number to be pressed twice. Once to 'play the sound' and again after the sound has played, to reset the function. If you don't use this 'reset function' procedure, then the sound will not play again until the appropriate function button has been pressed twice more.


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It is held back for approval by Hornby administration staff [not Community Moderators]. Hornby admin staff do not work [officially] at weekends. In the current Covid situation it can sometimes take up to 5 working days for an image to appear [instant image posting rights are disabled for new members by default].


EDIT: RDS posted whilst I was typing mine.


Additional Information when using the Elite.


The Elite has a 'short press' and 'long press' function option, to save having to press the function key twice to play 'spot sounds'.


Extract from Page 22 of the Elite manual.


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In that case use the updated Select CV writing facility to reset the decoder.

 Write either value 5 (sound only reset) or value 8 (full reset including address back to 3) to CV8.


Take note of Chris’s advice about functions having to be turned on and off again. On the Elite there is a screen indicator showing that a function is on, but the Select only flashes Fn on or Fn off as you request the function. There is no persistent indicator to let you know the present function state. This means you either need a good memory or a tick list.


My original response deleted as I posted a repeat list of CL 67 functions as I had misread Chris’s previous post that we were looking for Cl 67 when it is in fact Cl 66 the OP needs.

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