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Hornbyguide.com down?


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If the same holding page is still showing on Monday, then I would suspect that the site has been shut down. Possibly lack of funds to keep it going.

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You can download older sheets in bulk from the Service and Info menu button on my signature web site, but you will have to sort through them on your own as they are simply folders zipped for downloading.

There is also a spreadsheet for download allowing sort and search on various parameters. This is not complete and not cross linked to the sheets yet - likely never will be.


My info is nowhere near as complete or user friendly as Hornbyguide.com or Lendons info but all are welcome to download it.

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Probably more [not just Hornby, but other brands too] ... have you actually looked at the Lendons site ... I provided a link in an earlier reply.


Like WTD ... Lendons is my first port of call for this type of information ... mainly because it is easier to browse the Lendon site than Hornby's own rather limited listings.


Personally, I've never found Hornbyguide that successful at finding info. Yes it was great for finding product release dates, but I didn't find it that great at finding Service Sheets.

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I wrote a lot of the text for the site and have the owners e-mail.  I realize the amount of effort and work put into the site to-date.  However, there have been little, or few up-dates since 2012

Remember, also, it takes time and money to create such a site and revenues come only from link clicks.

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Ravenhook, your new post [below] moved here where your question has already been asked and answered. Read through this thread from Post 1 on Page 1.


Just be aware that the Hornbyguide.com site is (was) nothing whatsoever anything to do with Hornby Hobbies Ltd the company. The Hornbyguide website is (was) a completely separate entity. Thus no Hornby staff members will have any inside information on the status of the Hornbyguide site.

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