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No speed control after fitting R8249 decoder [RailMaster]

Guest Chrissaf

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Moderator message: I did not post this original message, my tag appears against it [bug] as I moved the post here on the old forum as a moderator task.

I purchased a Captain Tom and fitted a R8249 decoder. I have reset the acceleration/deceleration CV settings and these work ok but I have no control over speed after starting up. I use Hornby Elite with Trackmaster software. I can get low speed at a very low throttle setting but as soon as I increase the setting the train goes to full speed. I have tried two decoders. Also, whilst I set up with 80mph as a top running speed the throttle control shows 127mph? All other trains on my set work properly. Can anyone guide me please? 

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RailMaster not Trackmaster


This speed issue when adding new locos to RailMaster comes up time and time again, ever since the release of 1.7x RailMaster software. The only fix so far proven to work, is to delete your loco completely from the RailMaster locomotive throttle list [Roster] and add it again from fresh. This you might have to do more than once.


The 127 shown at the top of the slider [if it has a pink background] is NOT 127 MPH. It represents 127 'Speed Steps'. Let's say for example the top speed has been configured as 80 MPH, the decoder is taking 127 steps to get from 0 to 80 MPH. In this instance the 127 is just representing the MAX speed. The pink background to the 127 number denotes 'Speed Steps' and not MPH.




When you add the loco again to the roster, it might be beneficial to 'double click' CV7 in the CV reading / writing screen within the 'Locomotive Settings' screen and manually choose the R8249 decoder option [or the decoder brand / model actually fitted] from the selection list that appears. This will ensure that the correct decoder is selected from the RailMaster decoder database for the 'Captain Tom' [or other specific] loco.


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Thanks Chrissaf for the guidance. Unfortunately I have tried what you suggested - three times - with no change to the locos behaviour. I am beginning to lose heart! 

I am starting to get fed up with the limitations and quirks of the Railmaster system and thinking of changing my digital control to another manufacturer. Who would you recommend?


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This is a Hornby manufacturers forum. Nobody is allowed to actively recommend another makers competing product.




There is a possibility that you are not using the most optimum method for adding Captain Tom to the RailMaster roster. Here is a reply I provided earlier for which that original poster said my method "worked beautifully".


Captain Tom on Railmaster


It was written for a TTS sound decoder, so where the instruction say enter the R number of the TTS decoder. You in your case should try R3902 as being a generic Class 66 loco example from the Hornby loco database [then use the Captain Tom image as documented in my other post]. I am suggesting this alternative R number as I believe the Captain Tom Class 66 R30069 is still not yet added to the Hornby database.



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It would appear from what you are saying, that my original recommendation to delete and re-add the loco to resolve your issue was the correct working solution to adopt. It was only your original method that you employed of re-adding that loco which was the cause of the failure to work 'first time'.


PS - Just out of curiosity, what version of RM are you running?


The very latest version is 1.73. My suggested R3902 loco may be in a later version to the one you are currently using. To be honest, I didn't check to see if R3902 was in the database before suggesting it.

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