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Simple answer ..... NO ... not within RailMaster as a 'Print Button'.


Your best bet is to open up each signal / point configuration dialogue box sequentially in turn, then use Windows inbuilt 'screen capture utility' to select and print each dialogue box in turn.


In Windows 10, this is called the 'Snipping Tool'.


Ray (St1ngr4y) on this forum can probably advise if there is a printable file within the RailMaster application file structure that might contain that information in 'raw ASCII text form'.


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Hello Petera,


Welcome to the Forum.


As Chris has said, there are a few files which are created by Railmaster in the RM folder, which are text files but they are encrypted. Among these encrypted files are Layout files (suffix .PLN) and Program files (suffix .PRG). A year or two ago, I created some Excel spreadsheets which were capable of reading such files, and displaying their contents in the form of a worksheet. They are available to download (free) from my OneDrive cloud storage are using this Railmaster Spreadsheets link. One of these spreadsheets allows you to select a layout file and display its contents in a worksheet.


Included is a usage guide in both Microsoft Word and PDF formats.


If you don't have access to Microsoft Excel, then let me know what you would like to display/print, and I'll see if I can add it to my Railmaster Utility program, which is also available for free download.





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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks Ray,

When run the spreadsheet fills to line Prog 11 then a VB msg "object does not support this property or method"

I have enabled macros. I am running Win10 but an obsolete Exel (2007).

Any suggestions appreciated.


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Hello Peter,


Apart from the obvious suggestion of updating your version of Excel, the only other is to let me know how you would like the points/signals information displayed/printed, and I will try to incorporate that into my Utility program (which is non-Excel). For example would it be simply one row per point or signal, like a spreadsheet, with columns for the properties of the item ?



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Hi Ray,

Thanks for the reply. 

One line per point/signal sounds good, it is simply so that I can check all conditions to avoid loops.

eg change one point causes a signal to change which in turn cause a second signal to change which returns the frst point to its original position.





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  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry for the delay I have been otherwise engaged!

the chain is not something I intended but appears to be the effect of a rouge setting with a point or signal somewhere, hence tabulated and printable point and signal configurations would make it easier to check.

regards Peter 

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Hello Peter,


Since my last post, I have been adding this functionality to the Utility program. So far, I have provided the facility to display all points and/or signals from a chosen layout file in a grid on the screen. You will also see two buttons marked "Print Preview" and "Print", but these are currently disabled while I develop the code behind them to provide a printed list.


You can download the program from my OneDrive cloud storage using the "Spreadsheets" link in my earlier post. In the cloud area, you will see a folder marked "Utility Program", and inside this folder you will see two documentation files and two executable files. The executable RMUtil.exe is the file you can download for this new functionality. I haven't yet updated the documentation files to include the new functionality.


If you decide to try it, let me know how you get on, and if you have any questions about it.



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  • 2 weeks later...

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