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Problem with points in DCC layout


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I had a layout with following;
1. DCC layout on standard Hornby Trackmat (with all extensions)

2. Hornby Select with 1 Amp transformer

3. 2 X Access Decoder (R8247)

4. 7 X Surface Mounted Point Motors (R8243)

5. Mixed freight

DCC (R1126) with the following DCC fitted locomotives

a. BR 0-6-0 diesel-electric Class 08

b. BR 0-6-0T Class J83 locomotive

6. BR Co-Co- Diesel Electric Class 50 with DCC Sound (R2802XS)

7. BR 0-4-0 Hornby Collector Club Loco 2012,

Analogue (R 3091)

8. London 2012 train set, Analogue (R 1153)

Each of the Access Decoders was connected to 4 and 3 point motors. Among these point motors 4 were working absolutely fine, one used to give occasional problem of throwing one side

and remaining 2 were throwing only on one side. This was the situation, when both the access decoders (R8247) and all locos were on the layout. When the access decoders were connected one at a time with the layout, all point motors worked fine. While installing

I had tested each of the point motors on alignment and they worked perfectly fine. I assumed that, this might be due the electricity shortage caused by the 1 Amp transformer.

I have recently bought an Elite with Firmware 1.3 and replaced the Select

in the same layout.. The 3 same points which were giving problems before still continue to do so. The point which used to give occasional problems, is now throwing only on one side. The other 2 point motors are dead on both sides. I have changed the CV settings

of access decoder outputs linked to the points (CV517 in one decoder and CV 516, CV 518 in the other) but still no solution.

Please suggest, what to do next.
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I think I would do the following:

1. Upgrade the Elite to v1.4
2. Isolate one accessory decoder ( reset it perhaps) as you shouldn't have to change the CV values for point switching.
3. Make sure you have it wired up correcty and that the

bar on the motor moves easily - it may be too tight.
4. The Elite has plenty of power to charge the decoders very quickly so you shouldn't have a charge issue.

Just do one at a time and make sure that you are setting up the decoder correctly

,i.e. set the first four points as 1-4 and the second set of four as 5 -8

One last thing: if you upgrade to v1.4 or if you decide to stay at 1.3, I would do a Elite reset so that everything is at base level. Make sure its running in Standard mode not


Hope this helps

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Do the point motors work properly on their own?
Are you using a power bus?
Take all locos off the track, disconnect the access units. disconnect the point motors from the access units, and with a pair of wires, one to the common, and one to trigger

the motor, see if the motors, one at a time, will switch from side to side on the ac available on the track.
If that works on each motor individually, connect one access unit to the track, and one motor to the unit, and see if it works both ways. If it

does, add another motor, and so on.
When that access unit is full, connect the other one as well, without a motor, and see if the first four motors still work!
Then add one motor to the second unit, and try it, and the first four on the other unit. Eventually

you will eliminate the problem.
Just take it one step at a time until you find the fault.
If all the motors now work, put one loco on, and repeat the checks, and keep doing that until you have the full fleet on the tracks.
It might be something silly

like a bad connection, or a dodgy motor that takes too much power from the controller.
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I'm not sure why your putting different CV's into your decoder. \these are the instructions for the Elite

The instructions are:

Press menu and rotate control 1 until acc is displayed.

Press control 1 to confirm. Screen shows mdirect.

Press to confirm

Screen shows address, rotate control 1 until CV is displayed, press to confirm.

Screen displays CV write, p[ress to confirm.

Screen displays CV 0001 W. Type 513 and press control 1 to confirm (CV 513 is the CV setting

which allows for group address programming.

Screen displays CV 0513 W 000

Rotate control 1 until address group you wish to use is displayed:

i.e. 1 is 1,2,3,4. 2 is 5,6,7,8. 3 is 9,10,11,12 etc.

Once selected press control 1 to


The screen should now show address which confirms the decoder is programmed.

Once set, they may still not function right, this maybe because the screws are too tight or you might need to raise the point motor a little. I have different

pieces of cardboard for this.

It can even be the wiring, it is not always red to + and green to -.

Hope this helps

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  • 2 weeks later...
you shouldn't need to alter the switching times for standard Hornby point motors (CV 515 to 518). The default value is 1 which equates to 0.1 seconds.

I assume the motors that were working fine still are?

Where are the accessory decoders

getting their power from? If from a remote part of the track then maybe you have some poor connections resulting in less voltage at that point of the layout. Try running some wires directly from the Elite terminals to one of the decoders to see if that helps.
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