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Jerky Ringfield motor


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Hi All Thanks to you all as I have been having the same problems and never got around to doing anything about it. I read about CV's last year and got lost, however having read all above I have spent the afternoon altering settings and what a difference it has made to the locos. I fitted TTS to the limited edition Class 66 for the NHS and I always had to give it a hand to start and then it would and odd stop for no reason Did the changes today and now it just starts off. The only one that still provides a problem is the TTS fitted Flying Scotsman which whilst it starts off okay, it still likes to have a stop even though track is clean and alike. Does anyone know the best setting for 153 and 154 for this engine or indeed any other guidance. I have learnt a lot in the last few days thanks all Malcolm

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Mal, the thing about these adjustments is that they can be specific to a particular loco. Follow my links to the logic to apply to adjusting them from default and do as instructed.

However, random stopping unlikely to be these CVs, which are all about smooth takeoff from stopped. If your FS is an older type, are you approaching the current limit for TTS operation and then it trips from time to time?

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Hi Thanks very much. Yes I picked that up from the text and had had a look at the links you post. The Flying S is a newish model which came fitted with TTS but I think I will reset to default and start again with it as I probably did several changes at once instead of checking them out. I have done 5 locos now, a class 57, class 66, FS, Tornado, City of Liverpool and the limited edition Sir Tom 66, and they are all running so much better. Only really the FS however the Tornado is interesting in that it runs so smoothly and is now quite happy to just go around and around however I don't seem to be able to increase the speed which is slower than it was but certainly smoother. I don't seem to be able to see anything that relates to limiting the speed so not sure which CV would increase it.



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