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Decoders and speed


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OP here, sorry for my lack of previous responses to the questions asked, ive been away :)
So, BEMF, i checked CV10 and it was set at 255, so i dropped this to 125....no difference.
I checked the speed tables, set cv29....nothing. I changed the decoder

to a different brand, perfect!!!!! back to needing to slow it down for scale speed

Maybe the Le*z decoders run slower? or maybe my one is slightly faulty? Would never had noticed had the loco not been a DP1 Deltic which i wanted to set to 110 mph top


Very interested to read others comments, you guys certainly know your stuff

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It seems impossible to beleive that any decoder could or would be unable to allow the track power right thru to the motor (other than changing it to DC of course - I wonder if that's somehow where the problem is?).

Just wondering, did you change

CV10 first or enable the speed table via CV29? And did you change CV10 back before you enabled CV29 (or vice versa)? If so, then the slow factory setting for the top speed step was in play, even though bemf was off (maybe).

Furthermore, and probably

more importantly, I mentioned CV10 because it is the CV suggested on the wiki page. A look through a few L*nz PDFs (and other manufacturers) showed that they use other CVs for bemf so I'd be checking that in the decoder's manual.

If CV10 was for bemf,

I doubt it'd be set to 255 by default so..............
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You might also note my post on a related thread:

I also found this post from Phil_Spiegel which I'm sure will interest you concerning speed tables and setting max speed. He says you can do it:

IFF (If and only IF) the DECODER fitted supports

it: CV5 is top speed, and the alternative supported by some (higher spec) decoders is to define your own speed table.
The CHEAP Hornby Decoder does NOT support CV5 ( which I find VERY surprising since experience shows it to be the most important CV - essential

for young children too)
The SAPHIRE DECODER supports CV5 AND the alternative option of your own custom speed table.
FACTORY FITTED locos: SOUND fitted locos use ESU Loksound Decoders, and support both
CV5 and the custom speed table.

locos .... 'anyones guess' ... which is why many people prefer not to buy pre-fitted: Eg The Pendolino used a 'unique' decoder, at least on initial release. I believe later locos might use the basic decoder ,,, ie no CV5
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