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DCC config issue [using RailMaster]

Guest Chrissaf

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I am new to digital railways and I'm having a few issues with loco's. I am only working on a short test track as I am still building the layout, but I have also tried a small layout on the dining table. I am using e-link and railmaster. The problem is with R3395TTS Mallard, it has 2 speeds, stopped or flat out, and it doesn't matter where the slider is, it's off as soon and it is moved above stop. I also have the TTS version of the Flying Scotsman and that is OK. I have compared the CV's for both and with the exception of the ID, they are identical. I've read all sorts and tried deleting and re-adding, changing speeds, the only thing I don't thinkl I have tried is a reset of the DCC decoder. I am using an old Dell inspiron 1501 with Windows 7, It seems to be a bit hit and miss if it sees the DCC controller or not, but works and Railmaster is up to date. 

I've worked in IT for many years so this kind of this isn't new, I guess I just haven't found the right answer yet, hopefully this will short cut the search.


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This is a commonly reported issue.


The only known fix for it is to remove completely the affected loco from the RailMaster loco list (roster) and add it again from scratch. This is something that you may have to do 2 or 3 times before it is fixed.


It may help to follow this documented methodology instead, for adding a loco to the RailMaster roster.


Adding a loco from the database into RM (my post 3rd one down).



If your TTS loco is not in the database, then follow this alternative documented method instead of the method you have been using so far. Do not try and use and amend a different loco from the database if the one you want is missing, use the method below.


Manually adding a Loco to the RM Database.



If you manually add your R3395TTS loco to RailMaster using the method in the second link. Then you can use the image below in 'Step 3' of the documented method linked above. 'Right Click' the image below and select a 'save file' option.




For other readers who are following this post to add a 'non sound' loco to the RailMaster database, then follow the linked guidance but just skip over any steps related to sound.


TIP: As a newbie poster on the forum, just be aware that the 'Blue Button with the White Arrow' is not a 'Reply to this post' button. If you want to reply to any of the posts, scroll down and write your reply in the reply text box at the bottom of the page and click the Green 'Reply' button.


See also – further TIPs on how to get the best user experience from this forum.


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I am using an old Dell Inspiron 1501 with Windows 7, It seems to be a bit hit and miss if it sees the DCC controller or not.


@Gazza-1, I noted that your post stated you are using eLink. But I have written the reply below to cover the Elite as well for others that might be reading this reply at a later date with a similar issue, but using an Elite.


Just as an aside [assuming the RailMaster controller interface is eLink]. Your .INI file might not be optimised for your RailMaster installation, hence the communication issues.


  • Open the .INI file editor [bluish COG icon in the bottom left of the RailMaster 'Help Screen'].
  • Look for the line "Reset eLink on Start =1"
  • Change it to "Reset eLink on Start=0"
  • Look for the lines "Check controller=1" & "Alternative comms=1"
  • Delete them.
  • Type them again as the very last two lines in the file.
  • Save the edits, close and restart RailMaster.


If you have an Elite and not an eLink. Then leave the "Reset eLink on Start=1" line alone, but perform the delete and retype mod making the two values =0


Placing the deleted lines at the end of the file, does not make any logical sense, but it has been proven time and time again to improve RailMaster / controller stability.


If your .INI file has less than 10 lines in it, then it is actually corrupted and needs to be regenerated.


Generating a fresh new "railmaster.ini" file:


  1. Download the latest installer from the link at the top of the forum RailMaster  & TrackMaster index section.
  2. With RailMaster not running. Delete your current 'railmaster.ini' file from the RailMaster program folder (it is important to delete this file, else a new replacement file will not be generated and the old .INI file will still be used).
  3. Connect your eLink / Elite to the PC and power it up so that the driver loads in Device Manager.
  4. Run the downloaded "rm_setup.exe" file. Right click the 'rm_setup.exe' file and choose 'Run as administrator'. A new .INI file should then be generated.
  5. Restart RailMaster, ignore any error messages that might appear, just close them and go straight to the .INI file editor.
  6. Open the new .INI file in edit mode using the COG icon as per my earlier text in this reply and confirm that the file contains about 30 lines or more.
  7. Make the edits to the file as documented in the first part of this reply.
  8. Save the edited file and restart RailMaster to check controller communication.
  9. If you still get communication error messages upon the RailMaster restart. Then open Windows 'Device Manager' and take a note of the COMM port number allocated to the eLink / Elite.
  10. Open 'System Settings' in RailMaster and look at the 'Controller A' configuration and ensure that the same COMM port number assigned in 'Device Manager' is selected.
  11. Check the configured BAUD rate and settings. 115200 for eLink and 19200 for Elite. Plus 8 Data Bits, Parity None, 1 Stop Bit and Flow Control None.
  12. Save any changes and close and restart RailMaster again and check once more for communication errors.


If the configuration is now stable. Then always use the same USB port for the eLink / Elite connection. If you plug into a different port, then Windows is highly likely to assign a different COMM number to the port and communication will be lost again and need editing on the 'System Setting' screen.


A USB 2.0 port is preferable over a USB 3.0 port and a COMM port number between 2 and 4 provides the highest stability. RailMaster is written for XP using obsolete Visual Basic 6, hence these tweaks help to get the best operational experience.

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Deleting and re-adding seemed to do the trick. Maybe having done that a few times before is the reason it worked this time. The comm port stuff I remembered doing some of that, but not moving the 2 items to the bottom, so that is done. It seems to recognise the elink controller most of the time, but on occasions the laptop will throw a fit and say it doesn't recognise it and there doesn't seem much you can do other than shut it all down and leave it. 

Thanks for the info, I'll bookmark that 

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