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RailMaster eLink with accessory decoder

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I am hoping to purchase RailMaster eLink system and will experiment with a small layout similar to the one shown on the Hornby RailMaster video

What items do I need to achieve basic operations such as controlling points ,lights etc and how are they electrically connected to the eLink controller

every video I have seen seems to focus on the software but none seem to show the wiring schematic of the system

Also what is the difference between the track connections and program connections on the back of the eLink controller .

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Starting with your second question first.

The eLink 'TRACK A&B' output provides the DCC power and digital control signals to power and control Digital DCC decoders such as Locomotive Decoders and Accessory Decoders.

The 'PROG A&B' output is used with a completely separate and physically isolated programming track piece. There must be no electrical connection between these two eLink outputs else the eLink will be damaged.

The purpose of the 'PROG A&B' output is to allow the DCC Digital Decoders [both Locomotive ones as well Accessory Decoders] to have their CV [Configuration Variable] edited. This is a central requirement when operating a Digital DCC layout as each and every decoder needs to be configured with its own unique and different DCC Address. CVs are also used to edit the functionality and operational features of the decoder to 'tailor' them to your own layout needs.

With regard the first part of your question. The Hornby connection method is to connect the Accessory Decoder directly to the main track. To be honest this is not the most reliable connection method. I suggest wiring the connection in a 'star' formation ... see image below.


Note that the Accessory Decoders are best configured first by directly wiring them to the 'PROG A&B' eLink output before connecting them to the eLink 'TRACK A&B' output.

I suggest you download and read Chapter 6 of my 'Getting Started' PDF. It can be downloaded from the 'sticky post' located at the top of the 'General Discussion' forum.

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