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R.033 Morning Star restoration

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I am just trying to restore an old Hornby R.033 Morning Star. It was part of the family trains I found in the loft recently.

The bearings in the loco appear to be worn causing a lot of vertical movement.

I have checked the service sheet 130 and it says the sets of wheels and axles X1465/1466 are the replacements.

Is there anywhere you can get these, or is there another locomotive of that period that could be used to get them from as spares?

I did check the ones on Peters Spares but they are the later larger size.



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I bought my last lot off EBay, as for the bearings I imagine there is someone on this site that will probably advise you. Are you sure there is something wrong with it? I haven't really checked mine but they were not the most precise of mechanisms. Remember it has to be pushed by the tender because it is tender driven so you don't want it too tight. Have you tried it with the loco to see if it actually works, usually the big concern is the loco sliding on the wheels rather than them turning.

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Peters Spares are offering a X1465/X1466 wheelsets set (and also the S2382 bearing by itself) but check with them the suitability for Morning Star because they state "flush crank" whereas your loco has extended cranks. Exchanging cranks would not be difficult as they are only a push fit. Are you sure the excessive movement is caused by wear on the bearings rather than to the chassis block axle journals and that the chassis bottom moulding is holding the axles in place correctly?

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Thanks for the replies. The problem is I am comparing the train against the Triang ones and the difference is vast. They are obviously loco driven, so I will clean it all up and see how it goes.

I did hold the bearings down with the weight of the pliers and the axle does move a bit, but maybe there is no issue.

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