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Setting up a 'Smart Double Slip' on RailMaster with a Peco SL-90 double slip.

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I am having problems setting up a smart double slip on RailMaster.

I have RailMaster Pro, even using the example double slip in the drop-down list of track plans and substituting the appropriate point numbers, I cannot get the points to match the 'route' selected regardless of how I set either or both point's polarity.

Points 19 & 20 are the double slip, showing route A to C (page 90) but the points will take the train A to D. All other routes are fine. By reversing the polarity of both points, the train will go from A to C but now when the points are set to B to D the train still travels A to D.







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In the RailMaster manual Page 91 it shows that in RailMaster PRO, the double slip is represented by this graphic below, using two Y points back to back. I can't see any points on your track plan that are represented this way. Maybe you have drawn yours incorrectly on your plan and that is why you cannot get it to work properly.


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As I mentioned, even when I used the double slip track plan from the drop-down menu and substituting the appropriate point numbers, I still cannot get the trains to travel as per that selected on the track plan.


This also shows a double slip using typical type of points (main/branch line). However, this and the example on page 91 show different ways to match the two point motors.

I substituted 19 & 20 for 1 & 2 and still cannot get the route selected to match the actual route. There is also a difference in how the two points are paired together on the above plan and as shown on page 91.



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The Railmaster guide is wrong about which physical point motor attached to the double slip equates to which point icon on the layout diagram. It is also wrong to use the "Other points/signals" field for either address. Here are images extracted from the guide, on which I have changed the addresses to yours (19 & 20), and to which I have added the A, B, C and D labels used in the top picture, to the bottom picture of the layout diagram....


Now, imagine a train approaching from the left on either track A or B. The set of point blades reached first, referred to as Point Control 19 on the first picture, is a pair of "facing" points whose direction determines which of exits C or D is selected. On the track layout, the rightmost of the two points makes this selection, therefore this rightmost icon must control the leftmost physical point motor using address 19. The same logic applies, of course, the other way around, to trains approaching from the right.


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In my reply on the 'Power District' thread where this topic was originally started I wrote [see extract image below]. I wrote it this way because I had a vague recollection of the error that Ray is documenting, but was not sure enough of my memory to state it as fact.


PS - Be aware, I have now gone back and tidied up the 'Power District' thread to remove the potential issue duplication in it.

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Thank you St1ngr4y & Chrissaf, I now have two double slips that work as expected by operating the points as individual points. Someone needs to rewrite that part of the manual and the example double slip track plan, it would have saved a lot of time. Replace it with St1ngr4y"s photos above.

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