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HST Dummy Power Car - Stiff pick up wheels

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43 093 Virgin "Lady in Red" Dummy Power Car.

Got this last week in an otherwise perfect second hand set, but it doesn't "roll freely" when pushed on the track (like a carriage/wagon would).

The rear bogie (non-pick up) spins freely with a finger, but the front bogie (pick up) does not. It does rotate, but there is enough resistance to stop it "spinning freely". Wheels/axles appear to be in alignment, and wheel protrusion below the bogie appears to match the other bogie.

Any suggestions?

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When hauled behind a train on the track, do the pickup wheels turn or do they drag in a locked up state. If they turn, then I would tend to consider that normal drag for non-motored wheels with pickups on them.

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I was just going to edit my OP to say that that they do roll when dragged.

I'm conscious that there should be some drag on this wheelset from the actual pickups, and I've not had one of these before, so don't know how much drag to expect, BUT>>> I've just conducted a not-very-scientific experiment, as follows:~

I placed the dummy power car back-to-back with the dummy end of a Pendelino (which, as I'm sure ye are aware, has pickups on both bogies, so in theory should have twice the drag).

Can't couple them because the couplings aren't compatible.

When I push the Pendelino against the HST and let go, they remain touching when stopped; no matter how gentle/hard I push.

When I push the HST against the Pendelino and let go, the Pendelino travels further than the HST when they come to rest; a few centimetres with a gentle push; up to a double straight away with a hard push.

I appreciate these 2 sets were manufactured somewhere between 10 and 20 years apart, so perhaps the Pendelino wheelsets "roll better", but something about this HST just doesn't seem right to me.

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Are the wheels at the correct 14.5mm back-to-back spacing on their axles? If ok, try disassembling the pick-up bogie to see whether the axles have any old grease or other matter stopping them turning freely in the metal chassis block, or perhaps the cut-outs in the block have not been formed correctly. Are the pick-up wipers pressing too strongly on the backs of the wheels?

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Going Spare, as best as I can measure (using my Aldi digital calipers) the measurements are as follows:~

front bogie (pick-up) - leading wheelset 14.01mm - trailing wheelset 14.11mm

rear bogie (non pick-up) - leading wheelset 14.14mm - trailing wheelset 14.09mm

All are under 14.5mm, but the rear (non pick-up) wheelsets spin freely.

How would I determine if the wipers are pressing too hard? (which I did wonder)

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From those measurements, all the wheelsets are incorrectly set, particularly the one at 14.01mm on the pick-up bogie which may well be the cause of your problem as the wheels on that axle may be rubbing the chassis block. Even 0.5mm can make all the difference. The wheels should move relatively easily along their axles by gently levering them with a screwdriver blade against the metal chassis block or the underside of the bogie frame but make sure the wheels still run true (don't wobble) after adjustment. Once reset to the correct spacing, adjustment of the pick-up wipers may not be necessary, unless they no longer make contact with the wheels as they move to their fullest extent sideways in the bogie. If the wheels in the non-pick-up bogie are running freely and not causing derailment problems when running through pointwork, they could be left as they are.

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I know my original dummy car dragged a lot. I found a lot of it was due to the pickups that are used on that model, also the wheels don't run in any sort of bearings. In the end I uprated the dummy car to the latest Railroad Spec one.

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I note these pickups are what I think are called "wiper blades", which I guess cause more drag than the ones on more modern stock, what I call "cat's whiskers", and I also see several retailers selling the coil spring versions that go over the axles.

I will attempt some careful adjustment.

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Wheels spacing adjusted (14.53mm and 14.51mm) , and also eased the tension on the pickups (well I think I did, but it's hard to tell if I actually did), and the wheels rotate slightly easier "by thumb", and it is slightly quieter on track, but I don't think this is fully resolved.

I am quite new to model Trains (bought this DC set for £40 last week, and also a DCC Virgin Pendelino for £90 last week, both boxed, complete with track/controllers etc, and in mint condition, other than the issue with this power car), and I am grateful for all the advice given, which I appreciate isn't easy as you guys can't see the power car, so I think I'll leave it be until the local Club starts meeting again.

With the axles on these power cars running through the bogies, rather than having the "spikes" on the ends, should they be lubricated?

If so, where, and what with?

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