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TTS decoder, Cl A1/A3, or Cl A1


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Good Morning

I apologise if this question has been asked before. However with a lot of Hornby's catalogue disappearing from the shelves here in New Zealand due to issue's with shipping, it's becoming harder to source locally specific products. As I've just converted my layout to DCC I would like to chip my Flying Scotsman with the R8106 Cl A1/A3 TTS sound decoder. But after a month of searching it would appear that there is none in the country and the supplier doesn't know when they'll be back in stock. There is a couple of the R8108 Cl A1 TTS sound decoders. Would this be an appropriate substitute, i.e, are the sounds correct and does the speaker fit the correct placement in the tender?

Any help will be appreciated.

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I am not an expert on this but definitely the hardware is the same. In fact other that the speaker size all the TTS decoders are the same, it is just the software that is different. I am sure the A1 is meant for the new recently built Tornado, whereas the A1/A3 is more applicable to the old A1/A3 locos such as your one. As I say I am not an expert but I am sure it probably isn't much different, surprising really as the A1/A3 is probably the easiest one to get at the moment in the UK. It is also the cheapest. I don't know if they would send it that far but I got my last one from https://www.365games.co.uk/. I am using them in the Thompson A2 latest release from Hornby, I am sure it is the wrong one but at least it is sound and probably few people would know the difference.

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Order it from a shop in the UK and get the decoder you really want. Find a shop that will remove the VAT (some dont).

Spend enough the VAT removed will pay the postage and it will be cheaper than buying it here.

Most of the model rail stuff I buy is from overseas.

You will have no customs charges if the total cost is under $1000 dollars including postage.

Hobby City $109 NZ, Hattons 39 Pound = $75 NZ

Better range and cheaper prices, at the moment takes about 3 weeks to arrive.

KIWI 2  

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