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Royal Scot Chassis


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I recently acquired a Royal Scot on EBay, R2633 "Planet". It supposedly just had a con rod screw missing. I replaced the con rod screw but to my surprise when I ran it the motor didn't mesh with the gear. After a lot of changing parts (motor gears, wheels), I came to the conclusion that there was something very wrong with the motor holder or the chassis. Anyway the chassis was a bit like metallised chewing gum, so I suspected it had succumbed to the rot, this was further endorsed when the motor holder disintegrated when I tried to file it. Fast forward and there is a guy on EBay selling chassis fairly cheaply (I don't think he knew that they were like hens teeth), so I bought 3, in the hope one was ok. To my surprise the one that looked the best and had a motor holder, fitted perfectly, except the height of the motor mounting was reduced by about 1 mm. In my case this was perfect as the motor ( a new one) now meshes properly with the gears. The loco now runs properly.

Firstly, did Hornby change the design to make the motor sit lower or is it that when the Mazan rots it expands enough to cause a 1mm difference. The new part had a machined flat where the motor holder sat, the other one was just a raw painted casting as are the other two I bought. I also changed the design of the motor retainer so it sits better and puts less stress on the post.

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There have been quite a lot of different locomotives which have succumbed to Mazak rot.

I purchased a 'spare' Royal Scot chassis off Peter's Spares.

Purchased for my beloved 46100 in case it too did fall foul, but it hasn't, and I've since used it in making good 2 hopeless 6100 LMS Crimson Lake Royal Scots into one good one - and it's great.

I did notice the screws were all very tight, so perhaps it was 'home grown', but all is well.

Dimensionally its spot on.


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