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Zoom setting not retained

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Running RM1.74v2 with Pro pack

Call up track plan - shows as 100%

Set zoom to 75% on track plan & save overwriting existing one This shows the plan changing to the 75% setting

Exit track plan and the main screen shows at 199% i.e. it has not retained the setting. Restarting RM bring up the display at 100%, not 75%

Call up track plan and it shows at 100%

.ini file as per manual with check comms & alternative comms both set to 1 as last 2 lines in this file

Help much appreciated

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My interpretation of the RM manual is different to yours. I don't have ProPack so I can't test my interpretation. My interpretation is that you do not use the 'Track Plan' design Window to set a 'saved' zoom level.

My interpretation is that you set the zoom level you want in the normal MAIN operation track plan screen. Then when you close RM, with that required zoom level having previously been set, RM then re-starts with that previously set zoom level ... and each time you select a different track plan to load, the zoom level is reset to 100%.

The .INI file settings for 'check controller' & 'alternative comms' have no impact on zoom levels. They only relate to the USB communication 'handshaking & communication' between RM and the physical controller track interface.

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Thanks for the reply.

My problem was that the size box on the track plan seemed to be missing as just the hand icon was showing on the track plan. I had not realised that this icon was moveable and by dragging it, this uncovered the size box.

Setting it to 75% changed the view correctly and saving the plan fixed it as it now retains the setting.

Maybe a senior moment

Thanks again.

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