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Grand Central HST 2705


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Just bought the above loco brand new fitted two chips with no problems. Put the loco on the track and off it went at slow speed but that's all it did it will not increa speed from slow at best goes in both directions but that is it ! Any suggestions ?


I also have a almost new Duchess of Montrose DCC sound but it just keeps going off the tracks all my others are fine so it's not the track it seems like its the front wheels which seem to be the problem again any suggestions ?

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Hi, I don't know about the DCC HST problem but what radii are you using for the Duchess and does she derail on all curves or at specific points / directions or on specific turnouts? She is a long locomotive with a fixed trailing bogie so turnouts will


need to be laid flat and best to use on 3rd & 4th radius curves or larger if possible. Other more 'flexible' and / or smaller loco chassis may be fine.


Other problems may be the gauge/back to back of the front wheels but this is unlikely on a new loco


from Hornby. But it is worth visually checking they look good & run true and nothing is obviously in the way or missing.


Have fun.

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My new Duchess works just fine. The fixed trailing bogey doesn't have flanges on the wheels, so they are a cheat, really.

I did have regular derail trouble with my Princess Helena Victoria, and after a lot of messing about, I glued a thin strip of lead


flashing to the top of the bogey between the wheels, with silicon glue. Problem solved.

All my pointwork is 'Express' radius, and the tightest normal bend in my layout is about 36" radius. I don't know what 'grade' that compares to in set track, as I don't


have any.

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