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2022 freebie loco


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  • 2 weeks later...

@ G. S. :- I just have - interesting - check this out - There is a :-"R3896 BR, Ruston & Hornsby 88DS, 0-4-0, No. 84 - Era 6" @ £103.49

R30010 Hitachi, Sentinel, 0-4-0, 'Chiaki Ueda' - Era 11 @ £92.49

which is MORE exspensive than :-

R3415 BR, J15 Class, 0-6-0, 65477 - Era 4 @ £85.75

So it seems that you can get 0-6-0 less than a 0-4-0!!!

Do Hornby REALLY need to price increase just to give us a 0-6-0 instead of a 0-4-0???😉🚂🚂🚂

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You have compared prices of main-range locomotives whereas the free loco is almost certainly to be based upon a Railroad model. The difference between 4-wheel and 6-wheel Railroad tank locos is around £15, approximately a 33% uplift, at list prices - a bigger and more complex product.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Daft question, but, if you sign up to the collector club now, do you get a 2021 loco or a 2022 loco?



I have £30 membership and a "free" loco on it's way, I will let you know when Hermes deliver it. I hope it is the 2021 loco, as stated in the membership application, I love them, and a lookalike in the 2022 pre order lineup is £50, rather a known 2021 than risk the unwanted whimsies of Hornby. However , if the 2022 turns out to be the same old same old in LNER livery, then my son will find he has Collector Club membership,,,, but no "free" loco ! Yep Hornby asleep at the wheel again.

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It's looking like the 2022 Membership does not include a 'free' 0-4-0 loco. It just mentions, 'Opportunity to purchase 'exclusive Club models'. Depending on what they might be may influence whether or not I renew my membership this year. I'm not too bothered that there is no 0-4-0 model as I have three now, two Club models and one that was in the original set bought for me and there are only so many I would want.

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The usual 0-4-0 loco will be available to Collector Club Members only, for a price of £17.99 - so no "freebie" for 2022.



Available to club members for £15.60 with free post and packing for rest of world,

Meanwhile my club membership application on 4th Jan 2022, has not arrived, and my membership is not active, BUT , the FREE LOCO arrived 10th Jan, the 2021 0 4 0 loco. It seemed obvious that cost saving and price increases were at the top of the Hornby agenda, so I took a chance and it has paid off.

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You would think by now they would be selling 2022 membership.



I don't think the Club membership runs on an annual basis. I have been a member since 2007 and a couple of years ago(??) there was a re-vamp of the club, and I recall that membership commenced in February - it was late. My latest membership card says "Expiry date - 26/2/2022" - I took that years subscription out as soon as I was able to . Without knowing what date is on other club members cards, I would think that February is when new/renewal subscriptions will fall due. Perhaps someone could confirm that if you joined in, say August, your card states expiry is August 2022 or whatever.

I would also add that there is nothing mentioned in the "Join the Club" information about a free loco. From what has been mentioned on this forum in the past, very few members actually wanted the loco?

The other advantage of "club membership" is the 10% discount - I know you can get the same from many outside suppliers, but with Hornby you know you will get the item, which cannot be said of all suppliers.

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@ BB :- Well My Membership expires on the 07/03/2022 & that is (I think) when I joined a year earlier!!! I was looking forward to the Free Loco which I thought they said they were going to reinstate every year - may be I was wrong - would be nice to see what Loco the exclusive Club models are!!! 😉🙂🚂🚂🚂

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I joined in November 2020 and my subscription has run until the following November - this year until November 2022.

In the previous two years joining the Club did include a free 0-4-0 loco, (I wouldn't know what was offered prior to that). It is only this month that it has been dropped.

10% discount on purchases is hardly a draw for me as one usually gets that anyway by buying from other retailers.

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I noticed a couple of days ago, the bullet point for free loco had gone, but it was still referenced in the paragraph higher up the page. Today, when I checked back, reading this post, I see they have updated that paragraph too. So no free loco, which is a shame as the 2022 retro loco looked very nice.

They have gone back to offering 10% discount, which I was surprised when the ditched a couple of year back. I've pre-ordered the Black 5 with steam - if I don't renew membership will I lose out on the discount when it comes to completing the order?

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@ Carltonf

If you ordered online, when you came to payment the calculation shows the discount - I assume you have received email confirmation of the order which also shows the amounts. You will also get free postage, which you probably would not get from other suppliers. So your order is in place, whether you renew your membership should have no affect on the price. I ordered the same model - along with others!

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