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ww1 paints

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This is a forum for Airfix and Humbrol
Promotion of non-Airfix/Humbrol products is not allowed
Ask over on Britmodeller and UAMF where you are already a member and you'll get your answers



Wow! That's a harsh answer! If you can't help a fellow modeller out, then maybe don't be so mean with the reply!






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Hi i want to convert humbrol acrylic to revell aqua for the airfix 1:76 ww1 mk 1 male tank, the humbrol numbers are, 113, 80,74 and 29. Can you help me please?



Yes, do go to Britmodeller and ask there.

I'm sure you will get a much nicer response there.








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Go to a model shop, get a Humbrol chip/conversion chart, and see for yourself just how rubbish the Revell colour range actually is for anything not painted in German RAL tones.

You're not getting much help here because...

1) This is an official Humbrol/Airfix/Hornby forum, and promoting other manufacturers is understandably against site rules.

2) At least one of the cited Humbrol tones will be a mix of 3 Revell tones.

3) Pretty much no-one, not even WW1 experts, knows for sure what colour(s) a British Mk1 tank was originally painted in, although we do think they were repainted in H27 grey.

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There’s little enough traffic on this forum as it is, without telling somebody to go elsewhere when they’re asking for help.



Agreed PeeBeep and Dogsbody. Some of these responses lack empathy and basic manners and respect. Funny how we are currently helping someone who bought another manufacturer's 1/32nd scale F-104 with buying a few Humbrol paints yet won't help someone who has bought an Airfix 1/76th scale TankKit with other mfgs paints.....doesn't make sense to me.

I guess we should not have discussed Sailorman's beautiful scratch built hospital ship last week as it was not an Airfix Kit.

As you say PeeBeep, there is little enough traffic here in any regard ...... Maybe Airfix needs to open up a new section in this forum on Empathy Training and Basic Manners.





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There’s little enough traffic on this forum as it is, without telling somebody to go elsewhere when they’re asking for help.

Agreed PeeBeep and Dogsbody. Some of these responses lack empathy and basic manners and respect. Funny how we are currently helping someone who bought another manufacturer's 1/32nd scale F-104 with buying a few Humbrol paints yet won't help someone who has bought an Airfix 1/76th scale TankKit with other mfgs paints.....doesn't make sense to me.
I guess we should not have discussed Sailorman's beautiful scratch built hospital ship last week as it was not an Airfix Kit.
As you say PeeBeep, there is little enough traffic here in any regard ...... Maybe Airfix needs to open up a new section in this forum on Empathy Training and Basic Manners.











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