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Request reset of RailMaster key

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i am trying to reset railmaster key, running on windows 11, I have updated the software now to version 1.74 revision 5, I have turned off all windows defence systems, the railmaster software is running at administrators level, when I fill the form to request a reset with both pro key and the activation key, nothing happens, I click on Send Request and it just sits there, have I missed something? No messages appears when the send button is pressed. Cheers.

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Does your original RM still exist on a working PC. You haven't given any details but it is assummed you are trying to transfer RM from an old PC to a new Win 11 PC purchase. If you can still access your original RM, then use it to deactivate your keys as documented on page 132 of the RM userguide manual. Doing that automatically resets the keys to allow them to be reused on the new PC. However, to prevent a deactivated RM key from being used by someone else, the data you enter as part of the reactivation process MUST MATCH EXACTLY the data you originally entered (see the "activate.dat" info documented further below).

If you try to activate your key on the new W11 PC (prior to arranging a reset) do you get any error message along the lines of "this key is already in use". If you don't, then that infers that despite your attempts to disable Windows security, your RM installation is still being blocked from accessing the HRMS Servers, which might account for why the completed form is not being sent.

If you have access to your original RM program folder, look for a file named "activate.dat". If it isn't already, copy this file into the Windows 11 RM program folder. With this file copied to the W11 RM folder and replacing any previous version of the file, your key reset form should then be populated with the exact same data that you originally entered when your copy of RM was originally activated the next time the form is displayed, this documented process gives the absolute highest chance of the form being processed successfully. Note that the contents of "activate.dat" can be viewed by opening the file in Windows Notepad.exe, so you can check the file to ensure it contains your specific data before you try using it.

If all attempts fail, then I suggest that you screengrab your displayed form or content of the "activate.dat" file. Then send the screengrab image in a covering email to HRMS explaining everything you have tried, and request a manual key reset. The email address to use is "support@rail-master.com".

My reply is based upon personal experience as earlier this year my RM Laptop motherboard failed and I could not deactivate my copy of RM. I was however able to retrieve a copy of my "activate.dat" file using a USB caddy for my original HDD and used as described above to populate my reset request form. In my case, my reset form was sent without issue and my key was reset via an automated process within a 10 minute time period. The rest of my RM recovery went through without quibble.

As a result of my recovery experience I wrote FAQ8 in the "RailMaster FAQ Index" sticky at the top of the RailMaster forum. FAQ8 includes a Windows 'Batch File' instruction that will make future RM recovery a lot easier.

This is an extremely long reply, please do not use the "blue button with white arrow". Reply using the "Reply Text Box" at the bottom of the page and click the green "Post Reply" button.

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thanks for coming back to me, my old hard drive failed with windows 10, I took the opportunity to do an upgrade which I did by replacing virtually everything inc windows 10, so unfortunately I haven’t got my old drive to access that anymore, when I try to activate the software it comes up with a message “this code has already been activated before so you have to apply for the key/keys to be reset so It can activated the software again. No other errors, just that at the last screen where I have entered all my details which r exactly the same inc both railmaster key and the pro key , when I click on the send button nothing happens. It just sits there.

many thanks again.

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The fact that you get that message indicates that you have a connection between your PC and the HRMS servers, therefore it could be an error in completing the form.

Could there be something in the form you have not completed yet. I say this because I have filled in online forms for other things which sit there and won't complete (send), then on closer inspection I find I have not ticked a check box or completed some other obscure data field.

In the RM form as well as filling in your data, have you selected a reason for making the request, I seem to recall that this is a check box function. I strongly suggest you select the "my HDD has failed" option. Perform a very careful visual review of every data field in the form to ensure complete completion.

If you can not find any fault in the completion of the form then I can only suggest you follow the guidance in my 4th para starting with "If all attempts fail......"

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