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APT max radius curve to trigger Tilt ?


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If I am barking up the wrong tree, no doubt others will put me right but I thought the tilting effect was a very much simplified version of the real thing inasmuch as each bogie pivots as a curve is encountered and, in model form, by a cam transfers that movement to the tilting mechanism so that the amount of tilt corresponds to the radius of the curve. In that way, there is no "trigger", the tilt is progressive as soon as the vehicle leaves straight track. It will no doubt be a matter of trial and error to determine at which radius of curvature the tilt becomes perceptible.

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It could also be logically argued that as Radius 4 is the largest radius that Hornby do [excluding flex track], that the tilting mechanism has not been designed for or tested to offer significant tilting above that fourth radius.

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Using a bit of flexi track make a transition from the straight to fourth radius and watch as the train moves into the curve.

You could also build in a bit of cant on the curves to over-emphasise the cam induced tilt.

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