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Bachmann Pannier Tank CV values


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I'm not even going to try to give you an answer, but those who can, are probably going to need more information such as:

  1. What decoder is fitted.
  2. What are the current CV values.
  3. What are your running issues that you are trying to resolve.

EDIT: Howbi got in with his reply just ahead of me. Like Howbi, I have found default factory values perfectly fine and have had no need to alter them.

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Later ..... factory defaults (DCC Concepts Zen Decoder) have improved response greatly. Interestingly I had a Class 52 Dapol with a Rails/DCC decoder and it hardly moved with default decoder settings. Had to adjust CV2 to CV6 to resolve.

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When I started in DCC I was told to adjust CV2 by the following method.

Set speed step 128. Turn speed up 1 step at a time. When the loco just starts to make a note of the speed step reading. E.g. 4.

Change CV2 to 4. Test, repeat if required

CV5 limits the top speed so a class 08 won't move as fast as Mallard.

CV6 is the mid speed try 30 to 40% of CV5.

CV3 and 4 are very subjective. In my case above 5 or 6 and they take ages to slow down. The size of the layout in my view dictate their setting.

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