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Locomotion Models Railway Museum Plank Wagon


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I was round the National Railway Museum in York and I noticed that they did a souvenir plank wagon. The thing that really surprised me was they were only £15.00, substantially cheaper than the souvenir wagons I have bought from other preserved railways. It is also a nice wagon, ok it doesn't have sprung buffers but for the price a really nice wagon. Obviously Dapol are seizing on an opportunity as all the wagons are made by them, perhaps being in Wales they are more flexible in getting things made.

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Where exactly did you see those, Colin, was this in the gift shop by the entrance? I visited the NRM a month ago and spent far too much money in the little gift shop next to the cafe in the Great Hall. I was interested in a souvenir wagon of some sort and, although they had a varied selection of Hornby stock alongside their Locomotion-branded items, I didn't see anything with the NRM on.

I avoided the main gift shop as I left due to the aforementioned purchases and the impression they gave me there that most of the railway models were kept in the Great Hall shop. I'd be curious to know if you looked at the display cabinet of locomotives by the counter and if they had any more Dean Goods in there. I know I got the last one for sale on the day I was there as they called through to the main shop to see if they had a boxed one for me. A sales assistant ended up coming over from the main shop and telling the young man I was dealing with to sell me the one out of the cabinet as that was all they had left.

The one item I didn't buy but raised a smile was the "Haynes Owners Manual" for the Class 43. I thought that was very clever and well done. I was travelling with only a back-pack during that part of my trip so I didn't have any room to squeeze a hard-cover book in, otherwise I probably would have got one.

The price on that wagon was very reasonable as you say. I bought a NYMR wagon, also made by Dapol, on my visit there and that was £24.99.


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