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Hornby Catalogue 2022 loco delivery dates.


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I'm confused, how many Hornby P2s are there? As I've mentioned previously, a few years ago I purchased a P2 (unboxed) that Jadlam were selling for £75. As it was unboxed I don't know the Hornby number.

Early in 2020 I inherited a brand-new in box P2 R3207 from a friend. The first P2 was slightly less detailed than the second (e.g. plain gold lettering, not multi-coloured) but it had metal buffers whereas the second one had very flimsy plastic ones, not an improvement and it's not a Railroad model.

I notice that the only current model on the Hornby website is R3171 at £127.49 (maybe this is the first one I had) but that Jadlam are selling this on Ebay for 99.95 post free. Jadlam seem a bit confused as they say the loco is analogue but also DCC fitted and live steam. Rails of Sheffield are also selling R3246TTS for £129.50.

I suppose the one all the fuss is about is R3983SS Prince of Wales, with steam generator, at the eye-watering price of £294.49. It will be interesting to see which appears first, the model or the real thing, as the last progress report posted on the a1steam.com website was June 2021.

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Well Topcat there is another one R3985 LNER, P2 Class, 2-8-2, 2003 ˜Lord President ", that was a pre order in 2021 and then there was the all singing and dancing one "The Prince of Wales" with smoke etc. that was announced in the 2022 catalogue. Of course then there are the current Railroad versions which is what they are selling now. So yes very confusing. The technology for the "Prince of Wales" looks challenging so that has been pushed back to 2023, but seeing as the 2021 one is late, I wouldn't hold my breath.

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As you say 3 months may be a bit late for some and not others it’s all subjective. Maybe Hornby’s crystal ball was broken and they were not able to predict world events to make these predictions more accurate when they compiled their catalogue. As Hornby is no longer in control of their own production and unforeseen corrections etc may mean they miss a production slot items will be delayed and better that that errors getting into the final items. As for duplicates you only see what was produced not wasn’t or what plans were changed. If your competitor is going to get to market first with their product then it’s going to be a big advantage and is going to hurt your sales and you have to reevaluate. The competitors will be purchased first and for many even if the later production is better the money will have been spent and people may not want two. This is only more likely to happen if you keep everything a secret. If you are not part of a very select few who are in the decision making process as to what actually goes into production then you don’t really know. However it is not illogical to assume if you are in the early planning stages for a model then it may be wise in some cases to delay or abandon the project in favor of something else that may ultimately sell better. Cash flow is paramount and having stock unsold because the market is saturated can destroy an otherwise viable business. Any business will always want to avoid unnecessary competition and needs more than belief to succeed.

As for the final point, there are items you have to buy but don’t want to and items you don’t have to buy but want to. How you market these, create anticipation and demand is very much dependent on the item you are selling so no you can’t tar everything with the same brush. A new model of car may well be announced in advance to prevent potential customers going for an alternative out of ignorance of your pending product. Hornby are running a business it’s not a hobby to them they have to make decisions on what is best for their business. I doubt they delay items on purpose. As items have to be paid for upfront in China before production will begin. If Hornby’s sales are down and they are predicting fewer sales for the rest of this year and next then it seems the smart thing to do to delay production especially if that production is paid for not from reserves but from credit. Last thing Hornby needs are warehouses full of unsold product, might suit the buyer to get items cheap in the short term but hardly for the hobby in general and those whom Hornby employ.

Unfortunately nowadays it seems many people can’t look at anything from anywhere but their own perspective as an end user. Hornby have to do what is right for the business after all when the product eventually arrives it is usual for all delays to be forgiven, ‘worth the wait’ is quite often a phase you hear.

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Actually the loco I was referring to was the Merchant Navy East Asiatic Company, long before Covid or anything else. As to the rest you have your opinion, I have mine. Working in the motor industry for many years I have worked on many projects that never saw the light of day, other than a few prototypes but they would never have been put in a catalogue or asked a buyer to pre order it. You would lose too many customers that way.

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