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P51 Tuskegee Mustang


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Before I start on my World War I project, I thought I’d dig a P51-D Mustang out of the pile and enjoy building a tribute to the astonishing Tuskegee airmen who defied all the odds to be so successful.


As it’s a relatively newish mould, it was the usual well engineered product that we’ve recently come to expect and enjoy from Airfix.

Building starts of course with the cockpit. I decided after looking at various web pages to go for US Interior Green for the cockpit, with a blackish floor (as I understand that was the case with the wooden floor of the Mustang). I added some HT leads to the battery, but otherwise what was there built up nicely.


The underside detail is nice too – with the wheel-well structure being intricately moulded.


I like to produce my models ‘wheels down’, hence the droopy aileron flaps (which again is a well-engineered option).


And of course the pilot – in this case Lt Spurgeon Ellington – is in the cockpit ready to take off from the base at Ramitelli.


The decals were the usual excellent quality that we can now expect from Airfix – although getting the red surround just behind the spinner to conform required quite a soaking in Microsol. I did add a couple of 'kill' markings, and I used most of the myriad stencils supplied.


Before I started the build, I got hold of a copy of the Osprey publication which is an excellent and inspiring read. The difficulties faced by these very brave men before they even got to the conflict in Europe were extraordinary. There are lots of details of the major air battles fought by the Tuskegee airmen, and there is even a picture of Lt Spurgeon Ellington in the book.


So it was an enjoyable build, made all the more interesting by having the book beside me. I don’t think brush painting is the best way of representing bare-metal finish, but in my defence, lots of the pictures in the book suggest that the aircraft weren’t always pristine and shiny!


Thanks for taking a look...

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Nice one. I did the 1/24 Mustang in this scheme some years ago.

Love the open panels and completed internals Ratch. I guess it would be possible in 1./72 scale - but perhaps beyond my competence! Interesting though to see how the two widely differing scales nevertheless off more or less the same level of surface detail. If only I had room for 1/24 scale models!

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Its the old Heller tooling issued under the Airfix banner. I don't expect to see it in an Airfix box again, but given the R&D into recent 1/72 and 1/48 issues by Airfix we may one day see a state-of-the-art Airfix tooling.

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Nice one. I did the 1/24 Mustang in this scheme some years ago.
Love the open panels and completed internals Ratch. I guess it would be possible in 1./72 scale - but perhaps beyond my competence! Interesting though to see how the two widely differing scales nevertheless off more or less the same level of surface detail. If only I had room for 1/24 scale models!



I like it, looks greasy !

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